5 Crossfit Exercises For The Gym

5 Crossfit Exercises For The Gym


Crossfit exercises go beyond lifting weights and having a marked muscle. It is a training philosophy that is based on the activation of each muscle to increase strength, burn calories without losing muscle mass, and tone the whole body. It’s very important to know what CrossFit is before you startContinue Reading

TAC What Is It And How It Is Done

TAC: What Is It And How It Is Done


Diagnostic systems sometimes require greater precision to identify diseases and pathologies. One of these non-invasive medical tests, that is, does not require a puncture or cut in the patient’s body, is the CT scan. What is a CT? Is that the same as an MRI? When is it recommended oneContinue Reading

Colonoscopy: Everything You Need to Know

Colonoscopy: Everything You Need to Know


Disorders in the digestive system can be light, such as irritable colon, or serious, such as cancer. colonoscopy is today, the best study to confirm in time any type of colon cancer and other complications in the intestine, whether inside the color or the rectum. To do this, an instrument,Continue Reading

What Foods Are On A Soft Diet

What Foods Are On A Soft Diet?


When you have digestive problems or disorders related to intestinal transit, experts usually recommend following a soft diet to reduce discomfort and cut diarrhea or cramps. Food is key to strong and stable health, so you must know the premises of a soft diet. In this article, we want toContinue Reading

Gonorrhea What It Is, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Gonorrhea: What It Is, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment


Having intimate relationships can be very pleasant. But he’s not risk-free. And we’re not just talking about unwanted pregnancies. Relationships without proper hygiene measures on both sides can lead to an annoying infection: gonorrhea. This sexually transmitted disease is contagious when two people have relationships without any protection and theContinue Reading

What Is The Crossfit

What Is The Crossfit?


Who didn’t hear about CrossFit? It is in the collective imagination that this type of training is hard and intense, and so it is. In this form of high-intensity training, great sacrifices are required in terms of effort and constancy, but, if maintained, an optimal state is achieved in lessContinue Reading

Diet for Diabetics How To Do It Properly

Diet for Diabetics: How To Do It Properly


Are you suffering from diabetes? This is a common disease in society that affects blood glucose levels. Diabetic people often have these levels at a higher level than recommended and, therefore, it is essential to control the diet to the maximum so as not to unbalance glucose even more. AsContinue Reading

7 Benefits of Practicing Yoga

7 Benefits of Practicing Yoga


Practicing yoga has become a rarity in fashion. Millions of yogis, famous or anonymous, are hooked, and more people are hooked on this discipline of body and mind. Whatever type of yoga you practice, the base of yoga is the same: it connects body, mind, and emotion through body expressionContinue Reading