Mary Nemeth (Page 6)

Contraindications of Green Tea


One of the most consumed infusions today is green tea, as it is a healthy drink and can bring us a lot of benefits. It is an infusion of China’s own and has now become popular in the West. However, even if it has interesting benefits, it is also aContinue Reading

What is Emotional Intelligence?


There are many types of intelligence, but one of the most popular in recent times is the one that has been named “Emotional Intelligence.” This kind of intelligence consists of knowing how to deal with the emotions we feel in our day-to-day lives and learning to manage moments of frustration,Continue Reading

The Science Behind the Intermittent Fasting

The Science Behind the Intermittent Fasting


Surely you’ve heard the term so fashionable right now, intermittent fasting – and all the wonderful benefits that tell us out there that bring us to our health, specifically associated with weight loss. But what’s the reality? Although there is scientific evidence that demonstrates the benefits of this food practice,Continue Reading

type of yoga

How To Do Yoga at Home


Doing yoga at home is a more than acceptable option to take full care without the need to go to a gym. It’s also a magnificent opportunity to get the practice schedule squared into your daily routine. No excuses or jams. Now, what does it take to do yoga atContinue Reading

Uses of The Aloe Vera You Should Know


For many years, aloe vera has been cultivated for its medicinal uses and healthy properties. So it is not surprising that it is one of the most commonly used plants to treat different conditions both internally and externally. What is Aloe Vera used For? Although the plant is composed ofContinue Reading

Stye What It Is, Causes and Symptoms

Stye: What It Is, Causes and Symptoms


Sometimes, we feel certain external discomfort in one of our eyes, like a certain itching, so we pass the finger through it momentarily; but beware, we may be getting a styes and that simple gesture worsens the discomfort. Therefore, we explain to you below what a hose is and howContinue Reading

Soy Properties and Benefits of Soybean

Soy: Properties and Benefits of Soybean


Soy is booming, although a few years ago no one would have bet on it. Despite the many benefits associated with this food, soy consumption is much higher in the Eastern population than in the European population. In our country, most of its production takes place in Andalusia, although comparedContinue Reading

Vitiligo What Is It, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Vitiligo: What Is It, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment


Vitiligo disease has been known since ancient times, receiving its current name from Latin writer and physician Aurelius Cornelius Celsius (45 a. C.-25 d. C.). Its exact description would not be carried out until many centuries later, in the 19th century, constituting each of the scientific contributions made over laterContinue Reading