Does The Brain Have Sex?


There are many similarities between the male and female brains, but also some differences that mark prototypical behaviors of both sexes. To simplify, we can say that female brains have an architecture more conducive to empathy and male brains would have an architecture more conducive to finding their place in a hierarchy. WithContinue Reading

4 Ways To Increase Sexual Desire

4 Ways To Increase Sexual Desire


Daily worries, accumulated tension, low mood, conflicts in your relationship, or simply routine can decrease sexual desire. This, in turn, affects your relationship and can cause conflicts and misunderstandings. That is why expressing how you feel is so important in these types of situations. On the other hand, it is normalContinue Reading

Sexuality In Old Age

5 Myths About Sexuality In Old Age


Sexuality in old age is considered by many to be a taboo subject that is not discussed out of shame and fear, or simply due to ignorance. We live in a society where the idea of ​​the benefits of eternal youth is conveyed, where sexuality appears linked to youthfulness and constitutesContinue Reading

Performance Anxiety In Sexual Dysfunctions

Performance Anxiety In Sexual Dysfunctions


Among the psychological factors that prevent us from having an adequate sexual response, we find performance anxiety. Thus, in colloquial terms, we could say that performance anxiety arises when we worry too much about our performance in the context of a sexual relationship. Thus, performance anxiety is a type of anxiety thatContinue Reading