How to Manage Breathing Problems During Pregnancy


Pregnancy is a journey filled with joyous milestones and challenging moments, one of which includes experiencing breathing problems. As your body changes to accommodate the growing life within, it’s common to feel short of breath. This is often due to the physical pressure of the expanding uterus, increased demand onContinue Reading

Best Dry Fruits For Energy and Increasing Stamina

Best Dry Fruits For Energy and Increasing Stamina


Dry fruits are best and high in vital nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants, they are nutrient-dense and have many health advantages. Fruits that have had their water content removed, either naturally or through a variety of drying techniques, are referred to as dry fruits or dried fruits. The aromas, textures, and nutrients ofContinue Reading

What is Vinyasa Yoga Definition and Benefits

What is Vinyasa Yoga? Definition and Benefits


All branches and modalities of yoga are based on slow movements and meditation. On the contrary. Yoga, by its very nature, is an exercise full of dynamism. Among the most dynamic types of yoga is the Vinyasa Yoga, which is based on the chaining of a series of breath-helped movements.Continue Reading

Salvia Properties and Benefits

Salvia (Sage): Properties and Benefits


Salvia (Sage) is a medicinal plant known since ancient times and whose effects are especially interesting for women’s health and well-being. Its name means health and saving, salus and salvare in Latin, and is an aromatic plant of the Lamiaceae family that is used in both phytotherapy and gardening, cooking,Continue Reading

5 Foods With Magnesium

5 Foods With Magnesium


Within the essential nutrients for health, we highlight a mineral like magnesium. This is an essential component for the organism since it intervenes in more than 300 biochemical reactions of the human body; for example, it contributes to our immune system being in full shape, works so that we haveContinue Reading