What is Hatha Yoga Definition and Benefits

What is Hatha Yoga? Definition and Benefits


Hatha Yoga is one of the most practiced yoga styles in the world for being practiced by anyone, regardless of age or physical condition. Hatha Yoga’s classes integrate asanas or physical postures, pranayamas or breathing exercises, as well as meditation and relaxation. A teacher’s guide will help you get thatContinue Reading

6 Foods Rich in Iron

6 Foods Rich in Iron


Iron is a fundamental micromineral for our body to function properly. Its main function is to participate in the transport of oxygen by our body, as it is one of the minerals that are part of red blood cells. In order not to have deficiencies, the body needs between 8Continue Reading


Blueberries: Properties and Benefits


Blueberries are small red or dark blue berries, being a fruit of the healthiest being of the most important when it has a lot of antioxidants. They are popularly known as forest fruits and have become in recent years one of the fruits most consumed by the many health benefitsContinue Reading

Top 5 Basic Yoga Poses for Beginners

Top 5 Basic Yoga Poses for Beginners


Are you interested in yoga? Lately, it is one of the best-valued practices and most followed by celebrities to improve body and mind and general health status. Yoga combines physical postures with breathing exercises and meditation, managing to stretch muscles, relax, meditate and, in the long run, lose weight. IfContinue Reading

Cherries Properties and Benefits

Cherries: Properties and Benefits


The cherry trees in bloom are one of the most beautiful shows in nature, being the flowering of the Valley of the Jerte one of the most celebrated. But if its flower causes admiration, cherry, the delicious fruit of cherry, is one of the most anticipated fruits of the endContinue Reading

Dumbbell Deadlifts

Dumbbell Deadlifts


It is not always easy to stay fit. In fact, for many people, it is a real challenge. In the case before us, the deadlifts with dumbbells are well-known to athletes and coaches. It is used to train the muscles that form the back of the body or rear chain whileContinue Reading


Celery: Properties and Benefits


If there is one thing that is characteristic of celery it is its peculiar flavor, in addition to the wide variety of culinary possibilities it offers. The celery, of intense and aromatic flavor, is a vegetable of the family of the umbelliferous or apiáceous, a group to which also belongsContinue Reading

Weighted Squats(1)

Weighted Squats: How to Do Them Right?


Inside the fitness, we find squats, a very suitable exercise to strengthen legs and buttocks. However, there is a wide variety of possibilities and weighty squats are ideal for boosting the development of the lower and upper muscles gradually. It is a technique used by Olympic athletes, to increase inContinue Reading