
Slimming: 5 Frequent errors when trying to lose weight


You’ve set out to lose weight? So it’s time to start reviewing your lifestyle to bet on healthier and health-friendly habits. Controlling your diet and exercising is what you should do to start burning accumulated fat and lower those extra kilos. In this article we want to discover the mostContinue Reading

Antidepressants and Alcohol: Effects and Consequences


People who are following antidepressant treatment should avoid drinking alcohol. This is one of the basic recommendations prescribed by doctors when a new patient begins to treat this type of drug. The reason is that this combination can be harmful to our body and cause alterations in the central nervousContinue Reading

Preparation and Diet for Colonoscopy

Preparation and Diet for Colonoscopy


One of the most common medical tests is a colonoscopy. This is a type of examination aimed at detecting anomalies in the colon and rectum area. To do this, a tube is inserted through the anal cavity, and, with a video camera, the doctor can see the inside of theContinue Reading

Everything You Need to Know to Prevent Back Pain

Everything You Need to Know to Prevent Back Pain


According to the EPISER study of the Spanish Society of Rheumatology (SER), approximately 80% of the population suffers back pain at some point in their lives. However, if this ailment is not treated in time or the right way, this punctual pain can become chronic. What Can Be the OriginsContinue Reading

a white and red capsule

Collagen Supplements: Do They Really Work?


Collagen supplements have surged in popularity over recent years, particularly within the health and beauty industries. They are marketed as products that can improve skin elasticity, enhance joint health, and strengthen hair and nails. Collagen, the most abundant protein in the human body, plays a crucial role in providing structureContinue Reading