Catheterization What It Is And What It Is For

Catheterization: What It Is And What It Is For?


Today, together with cancer, heart disease is one of the main causes of mortality in developed societies. Many of these cardiorespiratory conditions are directly related to an unbalanced diet or harmful habits such as tobacco or alcohol. Both directly influence how veins and arteries are preserved, the channels that bloodContinue Reading

5 Warm-up Exercises Before Running

5 Warm-up Exercises Before Running


Preparing the body, by heating it before doing any exercise is essential. If good warming is done, the goal to be achieved in exercise is achieved without so much effort and we do not put the body at risk. Heating well before running avoids injury, both bone and muscle. ToContinue Reading

Turmeric Properties and Benefits

Turmeric: Properties and Benefits


Turmeric is a rhizome, an underground stem that grows horizontally and with several buds, being highly appreciated for its medicinal properties and numerous gastronomic uses. The rhizome is cut and decayed to get a fine yellow or orange powder of somewhat sweet flavor but with a bitter and slightly spicyContinue Reading

5 Foods Rich in Protein

5 Foods Rich in Protein


The protein is essential for the proper functioning of our body. It is a macromolecule that is made up of amino acids and is essential for the health of our muscles. It is one of the main nutrients we take through food, along with carbohydrates or fats. Then let’s discoverContinue Reading

Red Tea Properties And Benefits

Red Tea: Properties And Benefits


Red tea is native to the Pu-Erh area, a village in China in the southwestern part of the country, in the district of Yunnan. Red tea is made from the leaves and stems of the Camellia sinensis, a plant from which many other teas are made. In the case ofContinue Reading

9 Foods Rich in Potassium

9 Foods Rich in Potassium


Potassium is one of the basic minerals for the body because it helps to normalize the amount of water in the body, taking part in processes such as muscle contraction and relaxation. Thus, by noticing cramps or muscle weakness during intense physical exercise, we will need potassium to maintain theContinue Reading