Show off a strong and flat abdomen! If you want to say goodbye to love handles once and for all, there’s nothing better than incorporating exercises that you can easily do at home and with which you’ll be able to lose belly fat very effectively.
In this article, we will recommend 3 exercises to lose belly at home that are easy to do and with which, if you are constant, you will get to mark the abdomen and reduce the accumulated fat. Atento/a.
The best exercises to lose belly at home
If you want to lose weight, the first of all is that you start dieting. Reviewing our eating habits is a key thing so you can start burning calories and fat accumulated in day-to-day life. But, in addition, exercise also plays a key role in being able to get the body you’ve always wanted.
Specifically, if you want to lose belly, abdominal exercises are the best option for you. Why is that? Because they work fat locally and they’ll help you burn the energy and define your muscle mass. But, we repeat: food is basic to really achieve your goals.
If you want to sculpt your body without going to the gym, here’s a selection of X exercises to lose belly at home. Start the routine.
The scissors
It is one of the best-known and most effective exercises to work the muscles of the abdomen, specifically the lower part of the belly. To do this exercise, just follow these simple steps:
1. Lie face up on the mat with your legs completely straight.
2. Now, gradually raise your legs trying to get the body straight at all times.
3. In this position, you will have to move your legs, placing one under the other and vice versa, imitating the movement of some scissors.
4. Do 20 repetitions and then rest for 20 seconds.
Ideally, you should do 3 or 4 series of this exercise to make the abdominal work complete.
Standing Abs
Did you know that there are exercises to strengthen abdominals that can be done on your feet? Well, yes. And besides, they’re very effective. This variety is designed for people with back or cervical problems who cannot do the most popular exercises.
To do this exercise, follow these steps:
– Stand up with your feet together and your arms stretched up.
– Now, you should raise your knee to the chest and keep your body completely straight
– Alternate your legs and try to do 20 repetitions with each leg.
– Rest 20 seconds and do another series until you complete a total of 3.
Leg Raises
Another exercise to lose belly at home is this abdominal workout that is very easy to do. To do this, you just have to follow these steps:
1. Lie face up on the mat and stretch your body completely
2. Now, lift your legs to the sky, lifting your buttocks upwards and exerting all the force with your abdomen
3. Lower the body again and repeat the movement while continuing to tighten your abdomen
It is recommended that you also do 3 series of 15 or 20 repetitions so that the work is complete and you see results.