The 6 Best Exercises to Tone Arms

The 6 Best Exercises to Tone Arms


Not everyone goes to the gym, either for lack of time or simply because they don’t feel like going. However, your home can become an ideal training ground without you barely needing sports material. All you need is an enabled space and some simple elements to start with. This timeContinue Reading

7 Quadriceps Stretches

7 Quadriceps Stretches


Why are we interested in strengthening the quadriceps? It must be borne in mind that we are facing the most voluminous and powerful muscle of our body, falling on it not only withstand the full weight of the body, but also walking, walking, running, jumping, swimming, dancing, and all thatContinue Reading

Papaya Properties and Benefits

Papaya: Properties and Benefits


A delicious, tropical, and native fruit of Mexico is papaya. It is a very healthy food, as it gives us a lot of vitamins and minerals that are very beneficial to the body. To encourage you to include this fruit in your day-to-day life, in this article we will discoverContinue Reading


Walnuts: Properties and Benefits


Within the group of dried fruits, walnuts are one of the most consumed foods and, at the same time, with a greater number of nutritional properties. Its high contribution to quality proteins and fatty acids makes it a very beneficial food for the health and the proper functioning of ourContinue Reading

Pomegranate Properties And Benefits

Pomegranate: Properties And Benefits


A delicious, sweet, and very refreshing fruit, that’s the pomegranate. It is the fruit that is obtained from the Punica granatum tree and is characterized by having reddish grains inside its hard shell. This food, in addition to being delicious, is also very healthy for our body, thanks to theContinue Reading

The Myth Of The Better Half

The Myth Of The Better Half


The universe of love is plagued by myths and theories that have tarnished the original conception of what it is to love: to love someone, as it is, with their independence, their desires, and dreams. One of the oldest and most settled myths in society is the myth of theContinue Reading


Oats: Properties And Benefits


One of the most consumed and healthy cereals in our kitchen is oats. It is a natural ingredient that is highly energetic and that, therefore, is usually consumed at breakfast time to recharge the body of energy and vitality. We want you to find out why it’s so interesting toContinue Reading

What Is Love

What Is Love?


What is love? A great question that human beings have been doing for years, centuries, to become. And what exactly is it? This is a feeling that emerges between living beings (persons and animals) that appears after a close and habitual relationship. But we still don’t know exactly why weContinue Reading