Sex: Do You Really Know What It Means?


Sex is, without a doubt, a peculiar, special word, with uses loaded with connotations of all kinds. Always at the top of internet searches or in countless bar conversations, sex is a much talked about and at the same time silenced topic, very popular and very ignored. We already knowContinue Reading

Sexless Marriage: Is All Lost?


According to psychologist Robert Epstein, between 10% and 15% of marriages are sexless. The causes can be diverse. Boredom, routine, stress, and lack of time… are just some of the triggers of a sexless marriage. Faced with this reality,  couples have two options. One is to live without sex. The otherContinue Reading

The Three Major Disadvantages Of Virtual Sex


Few businesses have been able to take advantage of advances in communication as efficiently as the pornography industry. In recent years, mainly due to the popularization of the Internet, there has been a real explosion of adult content around the world. Social networks, messaging services, and mobile devices have been flooded withContinue Reading

What Is Sexual Narcissism?


Do you feel used by your sexual partner? Does he or she only seek you out when he or she wants sex? Does he or she care exclusively about his or her pleasure, leaving aside yours and your feelings? If you have experienced any of this, pay attention to whatContinue Reading