
Enalapril – When And How Should We Take It?


Enalapril belongs to the family of ACEIs or inhibitors of the angiotensin-converting enzyme. This drug is usually used in patients with high blood pressure, although it is more effective in ischemic heart disease and heart failure. Similarly, it is used to treat kidney damage caused by diabetes. What this medicineContinue Reading


Naproxen: When And How We Should Take It?


Naproxen, is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, analgesic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory drug. It belongs to the family of NSAID drugs along with others as well known as ibuprofen. When and how should you take naproxen? Continue reading and we will inform you carefully about this drug, indicated to treat fever and inflammatoryContinue Reading


Metformin: When And How Should You Take It?


Metformin is a drug used to treat diabetes 2 in adults when the lifestyle the patient follows is insufficient to control blood glucose. This is an anti-diabetic medicine indicated to reduce blood glucose levels, whether at rest, fasting, or after meals. What it does is reduce the glucose level theContinue Reading

Amoxicillin When and How Should We Take It

Amoxicillin: When and How Should We Take It?


Amoxicillin is an antibiotic that comes from the penicillin family. Most people don’t know what it works for and many others use it without responsibility, increasing the bacteria’s resistance to the antibiotic. This medicine is bactericidal, which means it eliminates germs associated with various infections, including sinusitis, acute otitis media,Continue Reading


Omeprazol: When and How Should We Take It?


Omeprazole is a drug used as an antacid. It is usually used to treat different pathologies associated with gastric acid such as ulcers (peptic or duodenal), gastroesophageal reflux, functional dyspepsia, etc. It is also effective in preventing gastropathy from some drugs, as is the case for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen)Continue Reading

Gas Medicines Pharmacy and Natural

Gas Medicines: Pharmacy and Natural


Gases are a condition that affects health and are very annoying for the person who suffers from them. These can be generated by foods that produce gases. The accumulation of gas in the intestines can cause us to feel severe pains in the abdominal area and that we cannot makeContinue Reading

Bad Body Odor

How to Eliminate Bad Body Odor?


If you need a plan b. when the deodorant applicator dries unexpectedly, we’ll give you some tips that will make you feel fresh and help you end up with bad body odor. Tips to End Bad Body Odor The tips we explain below don’t have to work on your case.Continue Reading