6 Foods to Lower Blood Pressure

6 Foods to Lower Blood Pressure


Are you suffering from hypertension? People with high stress should try to keep their blood values at the right levels to avoid suffering ailments or increasing the risk of coronary heart disease. Food is one of the key aspects to being able to lower the tension naturally and, therefore, itContinue Reading

How To Make A Perfect Snatch at Crossfit

How To Make A Perfect Snatch at Crossfit


f you don’t know what CrossFit is, we recommend you report this sport that is fashionable before you start practicing it. Among CrossFit’s routines, there are high-intensity exercises that require a very specific technique to avoid injury and achieve maximum benefits for our body. One of them is the snatchContinue Reading

Maca: Properties and Benefits


The maca or Lepidium peruvianum is a plant grown from ancient times in the central Andes of Peru. A plant that grows between 3700 and 4500 meters at sea level and that the Andean inhabitants consume because of their high nutritional contribution, the amount of energy it provides, and itsContinue Reading