
Quinoa: Properties and Benefits


The quinoa has become popular in recent years for being one of the most recommended superfoods by nutritionists and cooks. Its nutritional profile is excellent and, although it is considered a kind of cereal, quinoa is a seed native to the Andes area. After being part of the usual dietContinue Reading

How To Get Your Ex Back

How To Get Your Ex Back?


A couple’s breakup is always a complicated situation. After sharing your life with someone, of intimateness and creating a solid foundation, a breakup is hard to cope with. We must start from scratch, heal our wounds, and learn to live again alone. But… what if you realize at this timeContinue Reading

Carrot Properties and Benefits

Carrot: Properties and Benefits


Do you like carrots? Well, you’ll like them better now. In addition to being a delicious, satiating, and refreshing vegetable, it is very beneficial for our health. It’s one of the healthiest foods we have in our diet and we drink more often. So you know the goodness of thisContinue Reading

How to Overcome a Disloyalty

How to Overcome a Disloyalty?


An unsleash hurts, it hurts a lot. And when you’re in the middle of the breakup, it seems you’re never going to be able to rebuild the pieces of your heart again. But it’s all out. What you need is to let time pass, take care of yourself, and surroundContinue Reading

How to Make a Stride - The Perfect Lunge

How to Make a Stride – The Perfect Lunge


The stride or lunge is usually part of our exercise routine, although we also usually include it as part of our daily life. Different muscle groups (quadriceps, buttocks, and ischiotibials) and also the abdominal area are worked in this type of exercise when trying to maintain balance. Now, to whatContinue Reading

Cucumber Properties and Benefits

Cucumber: Properties and Benefits


Cucumber is one of the vegetables that you can’t miss in our summer shopping basket, as it’s an ideal food to include on our menus, bringing a particularly rich and fresh flavor to salads, gazpachos, green smoothies, sandwiches, and sandwiches. Its nutritional power, the few calories it brings, and beingContinue Reading

Infidelity and Psychology

Infidelity and Psychology


Can you understand infidelity? What are the psychological motivations that lead us to this situation in a couple’s relationship? Many relationships have been truncated by infidelity and, therefore, psychology studies have been delving into this psychosocial behavior for years to know why they are committed in such a common way.Continue Reading