5 Foods Rich in Calcium

5 Foods Rich in Calcium

Within the minerals essential for the optimal functioning of the organism, we must highlight calcium. And it is the most abundant mineral in our body being present in both teeth and bones or blood and neurons. Therefore, it is an essential nutrient for our entire body and that we can include in our habits thanks to food.

Then we’ll discover 5 calcium-rich foods that you can introduce into your diet. This mineral helps form bones and teeth, as well as helps us be stronger and more protected. It is an ideal mineral to avoid bone problems such as osteoporosis.

List of Calcium-Rich Foods

What is the amount of calcium recommended by nutritionists? It is known that 80% of Spaniards take less than recommended every day, which is 1000 mg per day, remaining 700 mg per day. However, this recommendation varies according to age, being higher in children and those over 70 years of age.

– Gruyere cheese, emmental, roquefort, ball cheese

– Fresh Manchego Cheese

– Sardines in oil

– Almonds and hazelnuts

– Crayfish, prawns, shrimp

– Burgos’ cheese

– Yogurt

– Dried figs

– Chickpeas


– Cow milk

– White beans, dried beans

– clams, drinks, shellfish.

– Milk chocolate

– Dairy shakes

– Chard, thistle, spinach, leek


– Egg of chickens

– Cod

– Sardines

Dairy As A Source Of Calcium

Although you tend to think that milk is the food with more calcium, the truth is that it is not. Other dairy products such as butter or cheese contain a higher calcium ratio. However, milk is a staple food that provides, in addition to calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, so it is basic to keep strong bones. As for yogurts, whenever possible, better skimmed or low in fat.

Fish, Foods Very Rich In Calcium

Although many people do not know, fish contains more calcium than some dairy such as yogurt or milk itself. Specifically, sardines are one of the foods with the highest proportion of calcium, especially when they are canned as the calcium of the thorns dissolves in the meat. Salmon, which contains vitamin D and omega 3, is also calcium-rich, complexes that help the absorption of calcium.

Seafood and Molluscs

Seafood and molluscs are foods rich in numerous nutrients, also as calcium. Clams and drinks are also a source of iron and iodine, so they are highly advisable to maintain a balanced diet.

Vegetables, Unknown Foods That Provide Calcium

In addition to foods of animal origin, there are also vegetables that, while containing less calcium, add the compound to the body. Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale or watercress are important sources of this mineral essential to the body.

Dried Fruits and Vegetables

As with fish, many vegetables and nuts bring as much or more calcium to the diet than some dairy. Soy, chickpeas, or nuts like almonds are very concentrated sources of calcium.

Calcium Function In Our Body

Did you know that calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body? It is the element responsible for the formation and maintenance of the entire bone structure of the body – bones and teeth -, in addition to being behind the production of hormones that regulate our biological and neural responses, participating in tissue formation and blood clotting in addition to being part of muscle movement.

However, calcium requires the presence of vitamin D in the body so that it can absorb it, a vitamin for which the body is prepared to generate it. In addition to dairy, which is widely known to be rich in calcium, other foods are also interesting to complete the required proportion of calcium. Whenever possible, it is better to consume food than supplements; and if they are not enriched foods, it will be an artificial addiction.
