The 3 Best Exercises For A Leg Workout

The 3 Best Exercises For A Leg Workout

The legs – muscle, and bone – fulfill a primary function: to hold the body and execute bipedalism. Maintaining a good muscle tone is essential to avoid injuries to both the feet, knees hip, and back area. With these 3 exercises to train the legs, you achieve a good muscle tone and both muscles tendons, and joints are kept active to prevent discomfort and strengthen the state in general.

All the exercises set out below can be performed in the gym or at home, since it does not require specific gym equipment, but are exercises with the weight itself (and effort).

Exercise Your Legs to Improve Your Health

Numerous pathologies included in the typical – my legs hurt – or I note the legs very tired, have their origin precisely in a low muscle tone. Other pathologies such as lumbar and back pains may also have their origin in a muscle injury in the area of the leg and buttock muscles, and not from the back itself.

Therefore, it is important to know what exercises you can carry out to improve and strengthen this part of your body. Here are 3 workout ideas for a leg workout, take note.


The squats are considered to be one of the basic multiarticular exercises. With them, both the muscles of the lower train and the dorsal area come into action. If weights or ballasts are added, the muscle groups of the upper train are included and a dynamic of exercises is created to tone the whole body.

The main muscles that are activated with the squats are the quadriceps, although the abdominal and lumbar muscle areas need to be used to stabilize the movement. Among the great handicaps of the legs to train the legs, is the wide variety of squats that you can incorporate into your routines, both to do at home and to take advantage of the gym devices.

In any case, it is vital to avoid injury to keep your back straight at all times while the exercise is performed.

The Strides, one of the best exercises to train legs

The strides are one of the basic exercises of the muscles of the legs, especially the quadriceps, but also the rest of the muscles of the legs. As with squats, they can be performed in basic mode, without any weight or ballast, or add elements and difficulty to intensify the effort and involve other muscle groups.

During the lowering of the body and the stride proper, the back and neck must be kept as far as possible and aligned, especially if weights or ballasts are included.

Glute Bridge

In the muscle complex of the legs, the ischiosural muscles form the basis of the rest of the body’s sustenance and mobility. How to train your legs at home? The glute bridge exercise is one of those exercises that until recently were considered eminently feminine. However, more and more male athletes include him in his muscle toning routines for his legs as, in addition to molding the buttocks, he does a good job in the ischiosural muscle.

To properly run the buttock bridge and avoid cervical and lumbar lesions, you have to lie face up, with your legs flexed while fully leaning your foot. With arms stretched to the side of the body, the hip rises as much as possible while contracting the buttock muscles.
