How to Prepare Chicken Cannelloni?

Chicken breasts cannelloni

Today you will learn several things when you prepare chicken cannelloni. Maybe you’re a little surprised to find out that these may be stuffed with what you like the most. This makes them even more appetizing because you won’t find any ingredient within them you don’t like.

For example, you can prepare the filling of these chicken cannelloni with vegetables or simply by using (reusing) the leftovers you have in the fridge. This recipe is healthy, economical (because you can reuse leftovers), and very tasty.

You have no excuses for not doing it. Take all the benefits of chicken breasts as much as possible, and instead of making them fried, roasted, or otherwise cut them into strips return a versatile dish, rare and very delicious.

Nutritional benefits of the recipe:

Now, you have to stop a little and look at the benefits you get with this chicken cannelloni recipe. And if we’ve emphasized the importance of good food, you should know what you’re about to eat.

In this sense, it should be noted that chicken is one of the most recommended types of meat for the diet. A study published in the medical journal Food & Nutrition Research recognizes that it is a food that makes important contributions to human nutrition.

Specifically, and according to this publication, white meats such as chicken are a source of proteins of high biological value, unsaturated fatty acids, B complex vitamins, and essential minerals. Also, your consumption of a healthy diet is related to various health benefits.

In this particular case, these properties are complemented by the nutrients of several plants, whose nutrient content is quite prominent. Its main benefits, according to a European Journal of Nutrition, are attributed to its content of antioxidants, vitamins, and phytochemicals.


How to prepare chicken cannelloni?

Are you ready to delight your family’s palate with these chicken cannelloni? As you can tell, they combine very nutritious ingredients. That’s why, as long as you moderate your portions, you can prepare them at one of the main meals.Enjoy!


  • 10 cannelloni plates
  • 3 large onions
  • 6 tablespoons olive oil (90 mL)
  • 2 big chicken breasts
  • 5 tablespoons grated white cheese (100g)
  • 1 tablespoon salt (15g)
  • 2 chopped red tomatoes
  • 2 tablespoons of nutmeg (30 g)
  • 1 packet of bechamel cream (125g)
  • 1 tablespoon ground white pepper (15g)


  1. The first thing you should do is put on a medium pot of water and bring it to a boil.
  2. Once it has reached the boiling point, you should insert the chopped onions, salt, and nutmeg.
  3. In another small pot, make sure to prepare the bechamel sauce and keep it nearby. You’ll use it soon.
  4. Spray a pan with a little olive oil.
  5. Place the previously cut chicken breasts in fillets and let them fry a little.
  6. Remove the onions when they are soft and set them aside.
  7. Once the chicken is cooked, you will have to turn off the fire.
  8. Don’t forget to season with a little soft onion and cheese.
  9. Mix everything very well with the chicken. Add the chopped tomato almost at the end.
  10. Now, you’ll have to fill the cannelloni with the mix you just made.

How about these chicken cannelloni? Remember that you can include all the ingredients you want. You can even take advantage of those leftovers you have in the fridge. Encourage yourself to try them.


All the sources cited were thoroughly reviewed by our team, to ensure their quality, reliability, validity, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific precision.

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  • Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (Consult 2018). POLLO CARNE. Online [].
  • Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (Consult 2018). OLIVA Oath. Online [].
  • Marangoni F, Corsello G, Cricelli C, et al. Role of poultry meat in a balanced diet aimed at maintaining health and wellbeing: an Italian consensus document. Food Nutr Res. 2015;59:27606. Published 2015 Jun 9. doi:10.3402/fnr.v59.27606
  • Duthie SJ, Duthie GG, Russell WR, et al. Effect of increasing fruit and vegetable intake by dietary intervention on nutritional biomarkers and attitudes to dietary change: a randomized trial. Eur J Nutr. 2018;57(5):1855-1872. doi:10.1007/s00394-017-1469-0