How to get in shape from scratch

How to get in shape from scratch

You want to start getting in shape, but you don’t know very well where to start? First of all: congratulations. Deciding that it’s time to take care of yourself and train is the first step to starting your new life. To start with this change of habits, all you’ll need is, on the one hand, to organize and, on the other hand, constancy.

In this article we’re going to give you the keys to know how to get fit from scratch. We’ll give you tips about the exercises to be done, as well as tricks and recommendations to make your day-to-day life healthier. Your new life starts YA.

3 tips for getting in shape from scratch

If you want to get fit and you’re a beginner you’re probably a little overwhelmed and you don’t know very well where to start. So you can start designing your new life, here we leave you a series of tips that will help you start from scratch. Atento/a.

Record your progress

One of the main problems that exist when we want to get fit for the first time is that we are not constant. For the first few weeks, the results may take time to show up and this can cause us to be discouraged and lose interest. However, to realize all the changes and improvements you get with the training, it’s best to write it all down.

Take a notebook and pen and aim for your current weight, your body measurements, the weight you lift with the weights, and what you hold when doing cardio exercises. All these indicators are the ones that will help you see how you’re getting better and how physical exercise starts to make a dent in your body.

Create a routine

Forget the idea that you’ll just hit the gym whenever you feel like it because, honestly, if you’ve never exercised before, you’ll hardly ever feel like it. You have to create a routine and stick to it until this obligation becomes a habit. Therefore, it’s best to organize your week around your gym visits, aiming for at least three one-hour sessions.

Try to avoid working out too close together because your muscles could become overworked. It’s best to include a rest day in between to ensure a healthy and controlled workout. Ideally, you should go to the gym four to five days a week, but to start, three visits a week are fine.

The ideal exercise to stay in shape

And if you’ve never worked out before, you’ve probably got a lot of doubts about the kind of training that’s best for you. It is best that you take these recommendations into account:

– Always warm up before you train. You must spend at least 5 minutes heating and preparing your muscles.

– Start with toning. Weight training or exercises that target specific areas and muscles of the body are the first steps in your workout. Spend about 20 or 25 minutes on these.

– Cardiovascular exercises. Afterward, continue with cardiovascular exercises that activate your heart and make you sweat. He spends at least 20 or 25 minutes on it. The most recommended are elliptical, running, cycling or classes directed as a zumba.

– Final stretches. To finish, you should relax the muscles with stretches. This step is essential above all to get in shape from scratch, as it is the step that will allow you to avoid injuries or pains the next day.

Above all: Drink plenty of water during the day and during your workouts to prevent muscles from being damaged due to lack of hydration.

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