Learn How To Combat Insomnia Effectively


Having a good day starts with having enjoyed a restful sleep. Insomnia affects many people and fighting it is a priority on their list of priorities. If we haven’t slept at all at night, we will probably try to “make up” for sleep during the day with a nap, for example.Continue Reading

Do You Know What Psychiatry Is

Do You Know What Psychiatry Is?


Can you tell the difference between psychology and psychiatry? Many people are unable to adequately answer this question. If you are one of them, don’t worry. In other articles, we have already talked about the difference between psychology and psychiatry. In this one, we are going to define what psychiatryContinue Reading

The 6 Dimensions Of Psychological Well-Being


When you think that someone is “healthy” or “in good health,” you may think that they are physically well. However, the concept of health encompasses physical health, but also mental and emotional health, including dimensions such as self-acceptance, social skills, or the perception of control over what happens around us. ForContinue Reading

The Phases Of Stress

The Phases Of Stress, From Alarm To Exhaustion


The phases of stress are different stages or levels in the evolution of this problem. It must be said that this condition is dynamic: it mutates, it changes. Often, imperceptibly, it begins to progress towards more serious stages, which can even be life-threatening. There is no doubt that stress isContinue Reading

Online Gambling Addiction: Definition And Causes


Online gambling addiction is already a reality. Since the Gambling Regulation Act came into force in 2011, the number of online players has skyrocketed. As a result, the increase in people with gambling problems is beginning to be alarming. It was not until 1977 that gambling was legalized in Spain. SinceContinue Reading

How To Give Good Advice

How To Give Good Advice?


You may know the phrase “I sell advice that I don’t have for myself .” The Spanish proverb tells us about that old custom of wanting to advise others on any subject, even if the other person neither needs it nor has asked for it. Thus, it is common to interfereContinue Reading


Hypnosis, What Is It And What Is It Not?


Day after day we find ourselves immersed in an excess of information, we hear random comments, myths, rumors, and assumptions… And all of this is mixed up in the everyday landscape, posing an obstacle to distinguishing reality. The same occurs with the idea that we have about some therapies andContinue Reading