Fitness (Page 7)

5 Warm-up Exercises Before Running

5 Warm-up Exercises Before Running


Preparing the body, by heating it before doing any exercise is essential. If good warming is done, the goal to be achieved in exercise is achieved without so much effort and we do not put the body at risk. Heating well before running avoids injury, both bone and muscle. ToContinue Reading

Training Plan to Start Running From 0

Training Plan to Start Running From 0


Starting from scratch is a start. To run and keep it on time, in addition to a proper training plan requires constancy and motivation. Similarly, haste is not a good travel companion. The most important thing is to enjoy yourself to the fullest. With this training plan to start runningContinue Reading

Dumbbell Deadlifts

Dumbbell Deadlifts


It is not always easy to stay fit. In fact, for many people, it is a real challenge. In the case before us, the deadlifts with dumbbells are well-known to athletes and coaches. It is used to train the muscles that form the back of the body or rear chain whileContinue Reading

Weighted Squats(1)

Weighted Squats: How to Do Them Right?


Inside the fitness, we find squats, a very suitable exercise to strengthen legs and buttocks. However, there is a wide variety of possibilities and weighty squats are ideal for boosting the development of the lower and upper muscles gradually. It is a technique used by Olympic athletes, to increase inContinue Reading

The 6 Best Exercises to Tone Arms

The 6 Best Exercises to Tone Arms


Not everyone goes to the gym, either for lack of time or simply because they don’t feel like going. However, your home can become an ideal training ground without you barely needing sports material. All you need is an enabled space and some simple elements to start with. This timeContinue Reading

7 Quadriceps Stretches

7 Quadriceps Stretches


Why are we interested in strengthening the quadriceps? It must be borne in mind that we are facing the most voluminous and powerful muscle of our body, falling on it not only withstand the full weight of the body, but also walking, walking, running, jumping, swimming, dancing, and all thatContinue Reading