Diseases (Page 3)

Vitiligo What Is It, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Vitiligo: What Is It, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment


Vitiligo disease has been known since ancient times, receiving its current name from Latin writer and physician Aurelius Cornelius Celsius (45 a. C.-25 d. C.). Its exact description would not be carried out until many centuries later, in the 19th century, constituting each of the scientific contributions made over laterContinue Reading

Bruxism: Causes, Symptoms And Treatments


Bruxism is a dental problem that consists of clenching and grinding the upper and lower teeth together, sliding them back and forth over each other. It  is also one of the most common sleep disorders, affecting almost 20% of the population and there are generally several approaches to treating this condition. AlthoughContinue Reading

Diabulimia: Symptoms, Causes And Treatment


Diabulimia is an eating disorder that is not included in official psychology textbooks. This disorder affects patients diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus. But what exactly does it consist of? Diabulimia is a reduction in the required dose of insulin to lose weight. Patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus need to followContinue Reading

Autophobia – The Fear Of Oneself


For most of us, isolation causes a certain fear and even vertigo. Facing loneliness and looking at ourselves face to face is not usually easy. However, we can cope with it if we are connected to ourselves. However, there is an even more atrocious fear of loneliness or the experience ofContinue Reading

Antidepressant Medications: How Do They Work?


Antidepressant medications can help relieve symptoms of depression, social anxiety disorder, anxiety disorders, seasonal affective disorder, dysthymia (persistent depressive disorder), and mild chronic depression, as well as other conditions such as obsessive-compulsive disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder. But how do these medications work? What effects do they have? Anti-depression medicationsContinue Reading

Hydrophobia – The Fear Of Water


Water is one of the most essential elements for the life of living beings. Therefore, not coming into contact with it regularly is complex, becoming a problem for those who suffer from hydrophobia. Hydrophobia or fear of water is defined as the handicap that humans may suffer when they come into contactContinue Reading