About 20 percent of the world’s population suffers from some kind of allergy. Many factors can cause these reactions in patients, such as pollen, mites, nuts, fungi, etc. Although each allergy has particular characteristics, the truth is that the symptoms and treatment are quite similar. For this reason, in this article, we will discover the treatments, symptoms, and causes of allergies in general.
Causes of Allergies
When talking about allergy we are talking about a reaction that our body has to a type of material or product that generates a series of symptoms such as mucus, swelling, itching in the nose, etc. But where does the allergy come from? Here we will leave you a selection of the most common allergens so you can know their causes more concretely.
– Pollen. One of the main causes of the allergy is pollen from plants such as bananas, olive trees, grasses… During spring it is when most pollen allergies are diagnosed because it is the period in which nature makes the change of season and flowering begins.
– Fungi. Many people have an allergy to the spores of fungi, particles that are not seen, but that when breathed by the nose can cause reactions such as asthma, conjunctivitis, mucus, etc.
– Mites. Another main cause of allergies is the presence of dust mites. We are facing microscopic insects that appear in wet areas and can cause severe allergic reactions.
– Animal hair. Many people suffer from hair allergies from animals such as dogs, cats, rodents, etc.
– Food allergies. There are also allergic reactions from the consumption of certain foods that are not suitable for all stomachs. This is the case for products such as dairy, seafood, nuts, wheat, fructose or gluten.
Symptoms of Allergies
As we have already said, depending on the type of allergy you have and its trigger, the symptoms experienced may vary. However, some effects are often quite widespread among all people who have allergies. They are the following:
– Asthma. Difficulties in breathing or shortness of breath is one of the most common allergy symptoms. Asthma appears because of the allergens and the reactions they generate in our body.
– Itchy and watery eyes.
– Sneezing.
– Swelling of the body.
– Itching in the throat.
– Appearance of eczemas on the skin.
Allergic reactions are usually mild. However, depending on each patient, it can be dangerous and endanger the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It is what is known as anaphylaxis and is a very serious situation that can endanger the patient’s life.
Allergy Treatments
If you want to know how allergies are treated, here we leave you a review of the most effective and employee treatments:
– Antihistamines. They are a drug that acts by blocking histamine, the chemical our body generates when it encounters an allergen.
– Immunotherapy. It is also known as the allergy vaccine and is designed to modify the way our body reacts when in contact with an allergen.