5 Foods Rich in Vitamin B12

5 Foods Rich in Vitamin B12


We should not confuse vitamin B with vitamin B12, as it brings different benefits to the body. Counting on good reserves of B12 will help us to enjoy a higher quality of life, as it is a nutrient that brings us benefits such as improving the immune system, strengthening muscles,Continue Reading

Overnight oats Mango and Coconut


If you’ve never eaten Overnight oatmeal or night oats for its literal translation, it’s a very simple method of making oats but without cooking. That is, instead of cooking oats on the stove or in the microwave, the raw oats are soaked in milk or yogurt. That soaking process allowsContinue Reading

Beetroot Hummus

Beetroot Hummus


The hummus is a very easy and quick recipe to prepare, which has become very fashionable especially because of the amount of benefits it brings: it is lightweight, has very few calories, easy to prepare, and is perfect to eat as an incoming or simply healthy lid. The main ingredientContinue Reading

Preparation and Diet for Colonoscopy

Preparation and Diet for Colonoscopy


One of the most common medical tests is a colonoscopy. This is a type of examination aimed at detecting anomalies in the colon and rectum area. To do this, a tube is inserted through the anal cavity, and, with a video camera, the doctor can see the inside of theContinue Reading

bunch of watermelons

Everything You Need to Know About Yellow Watermelon


Yellow watermelon, a striking variation of the traditional red watermelon, has garnered increasing attention due to its distinctive color and unique taste. Unlike its classic counterpart, which typically features red flesh and black seeds, yellow watermelon displays a vibrant yellow or golden hue, making it a visually appealing addition toContinue Reading