5 Foods to Stir

5 Foods that cause constipation


Do you usually have constipation? This is a very common health condition and the vast majority of the time, it is related to unbalanced eating and a sedentary life. But, in addition, you should know that some foods sweat and that are usually part of our diet: refined cereals, bananas,Continue Reading

6 Foods to Lower Blood Pressure

6 Foods to Lower Blood Pressure


Are you suffering from hypertension? People with high stress should try to keep their blood values at the right levels to avoid suffering ailments or increasing the risk of coronary heart disease. Food is one of the key aspects to being able to lower the tension naturally and, therefore, itContinue Reading

2 Recipes for Caesar Salad


If you’re a salad fan and you also consider yourself a fitness person, these recipes for Caesar Salad will love you. We know that if you eat salad several times a week, it can become a bit boring and monotonous. For this reason, we give you some ideas so youContinue Reading

Food with Fiber

Food with Fiber


If you want to have a healthy and balanced diet, nothing better than to include fiber in your diet. It is a perfect component to improve intestinal transit and, therefore, to purify the organism internally. In addition, it also has a satiating effect, so it is highly recommended in caseContinue Reading

5 Foods Rich in Calcium

5 Foods Rich in Calcium


Within the minerals essential for the optimal functioning of the organism, we must highlight calcium. And it is the most abundant mineral in our body being present in both teeth and bones or blood and neurons. Therefore, it is an essential nutrient for our entire body and that we canContinue Reading

What Foods Are On A Soft Diet

What Foods Are On A Soft Diet?


When you have digestive problems or disorders related to intestinal transit, experts usually recommend following a soft diet to reduce discomfort and cut diarrhea or cramps. Food is key to strong and stable health, so you must know the premises of a soft diet. In this article, we want toContinue Reading