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Luck or Metabolism Why Some People Never Gain Weight

Luck or Metabolism? Why Some People Never Gain Weight


It’s much more complicated than just accelerated metabolism. Many times you will have wondered that life is quite unfair. Some people must be particularly careful and careful of what they eat to maintain their ideal weight, while others can simply eat what they want and get the same result. What’sContinue Reading

bunch of watermelons

Everything You Need to Know About Yellow Watermelon


Yellow watermelon, a striking variation of the traditional red watermelon, has garnered increasing attention due to its distinctive color and unique taste. Unlike its classic counterpart, which typically features red flesh and black seeds, yellow watermelon displays a vibrant yellow or golden hue, making it a visually appealing addition toContinue Reading

5 tips to have healthier skin

5 Tips to have a Healthier Skin


Daily cleaning of the face is one of the most important aspects when it comes to lighting smooth, fresh, and above all healthy skin. Become aware of how important it is to keep our complexion clean, will help to maintain the necessary firmness and hydration, since it is a commonContinue Reading

persons hand with red nail polish

Embracing Pleasure: Female Masturbation as an Act of Self-Love


Female masturbation is a natural and common behavior, yet it has often been surrounded by a cloud of historical stigma and cultural misunderstanding. Throughout history, women’s sexuality has frequently been marginalized, leading to misconceptions regarding their desires and pleasures. In many cultures, female masturbation has been deemed taboo, influenced byContinue Reading

8 Tips to Ease Emotional Hunger and Feel More Vital

8 Tips to Ease Emotional Hunger and Feel More Vital


I’m sure you’ve ever found yourself in a situation of a lot of stress, or going through a moment of anger, anxiety, or sadness and the first thing you’ve done has been to compulsively eat the first thing you find when opening the cooking fridge or pantry. Does it soundContinue Reading