7 Keys to Faster Running

7 Keys to Faster Running


Any runner desires to get to run faster over time. The idea is to get the most effective without having to subject the body to an over-enhancing effort. However, it is not an easy task to improve the pace of the race, and on many occasions, it is not possibleContinue Reading

Endoscopy What It Is And What It Is For

Endoscopy: What It Is And What It Is For?


Early detection, whatever the pathology, is key to not only having a better prognosis but a higher chance of healing or symptom relief. Diagnostic methods, according to the times, continue to evolve to increase the accuracy of their results and minimize discomfort in the patient. One of the most commonContinue Reading

Food with Fiber

Food with Fiber


If you want to have a healthy and balanced diet, nothing better than to include fiber in your diet. It is a perfect component to improve intestinal transit and, therefore, to purify the organism internally. In addition, it also has a satiating effect, so it is highly recommended in caseContinue Reading

Chamomile Properties and Benefits

Chamomile: Properties and Benefits


Chamomile is one of the oldest medicinal herbs in the world and one of the most consumed in infusion. Its numerous properties have made it one of the most popular and popular natural remedies, especially for its digestive, soothing, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, and antiseptic properties. It is a thin root plant,Continue Reading

What is Ashtanga Yoga Definition and Benefits

What is Ashtanga Yoga? Definition and Benefits


Practicing Yoga has become one of the most idealized physical-spiritual activities. The numerous accounts and celebrities that show their postures have drawn attention to this form of physical and mental exercise. Within the wide range of types of yoga that can be practiced, we will delve into Ashtanga Yoga, knowingContinue Reading

5 Foods Rich in Calcium

5 Foods Rich in Calcium


Within the minerals essential for the optimal functioning of the organism, we must highlight calcium. And it is the most abundant mineral in our body being present in both teeth and bones or blood and neurons. Therefore, it is an essential nutrient for our entire body and that we canContinue Reading