Coconut Oil Properties and Benefits

Coconut Oil: Properties and Benefits


Coconut oil is one of the most consumed oils in recent times. The reason is that it has become a very popular type of oil due to its high content of essential fatty acids and its many nutrients. It is an ideal product for oral consumption, as well as forContinue Reading

How to Treat a Child with ADHD

How to Treat a Child with ADHD


Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common childhood and juvenile behavioral pathology, although a few years ago the prevalence of ADHD was estimated at 4%-6%, the latest epidemiological studies give figures of around 20%, and even the most prudent put prevalence above 10%. How to detect ADHDContinue Reading

Rehabilitation in Oncological Patient

Rehabilitation in Oncological Patient


The patient in cancer treatment has a significant impact on his or her physical condition level. During the process, there is a weight reduction with great muscle mass loss, although on other occasions there is an increase in weight and volume due to the medication. Muscles lose tone and elasticityContinue Reading

Antidepressants Are They Safe During Pregnancy

Antidepressants: Are They Safe During Pregnancy?


During pregnancy, you should be very careful about taking medications we carry out. Antidepressants are common pharmacological products in society and as soon as a woman stays fit, she can question her safety. In this article, we want to find out if antidepressants during pregnancy are safe. To this end,Continue Reading