Emotional Intelligence In Sport, How Does It Help Us?


Sports and physical activity psychology is a branch of psychology. It studies our psychological processes and our behavior during sports activities. This applied science seeks to understand and optimize the internal conditions of the athlete. Through the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, we try to achieve the expression ofContinue Reading

Fibromyalgia And Depression

Fibromyalgia And Depression, What Is The Relationship?


Fibromyalgia is a syndrome characterized by the presence of chronic, generalized musculoskeletal pain. In addition to pain, other symptoms are associated, such as fatigue, sleep disturbances, paresthesia in the extremities, a feeling of swelling in the hands, or morning stiffness. To date, no therapy/intervention cures fibromyalgia, so existing treatments focusContinue Reading

How Does Caffeine Poisoning Occur?


Caffeine is a substance that occurs naturally in the leaves and seeds of many plants. It is also manufactured artificially and added to certain foods. It is considered a stimulant because it activates the central nervous system, increasing the level of alertness. Caffeine is found in tea, coffee, many soft drinks, painContinue Reading

Meditation Exercises

5 Meditation Exercises With Visualization


Resting the mind has countless benefits both for our physical and psychological health. It allows us to restore inner balance through internal listening and harmony between the soul and the body. But what if we could take advantage of its benefits through our imagination? That is what meditation with visualizationContinue Reading

Witness Memory: The Quality Of Memory


Memory betrays us. Its content, our memories, are far from being a faithful recreation of reality. When we say something, we do it differently each time. In fact, in forensic psychology, witnesses are asked not to tell anyone the facts, in an attempt not to contaminate their memories. It isContinue Reading