5 Foods to Lower Cholesterol

5 Foods to Lower Cholesterol

Having high cholesterol is one of the consequences of having a high-fat diet and toxins that prevent the correct circulation of blood. Therefore, to control the level of bad cholesterol (or LDL) it is important to change your eating habits and bet on a healthier and more balanced diet in which fruits and vegetables abound.

Then we’ll discover a list of foods to lower your cholesterol that can help you improve your health. They are optimal ingredients to include in your diet and, thus, you can enjoy a stronger and more protected heart.

List of foods to Lower Cholesterol

Changing food is one of the first premises your doctor will tell you when you detect that you have high cholesterol levels in your blood. Therefore, it is essential to know what are the best foods to be included in your diet and that, in this way, you can enjoy a healthier and healthier life.


One of the best food groups to lower cholesterol is fruit. This is a perfect type of ingredient to reduce the level of LDL in the blood, as it gives us a lot of nutrients and is barely contained in saturated fat. In addition, fruits are often rich in water, so they help eliminate the accumulation of toxins in the body. The most recommended are those rich in vitamin C such as oranges, mandarins, or strawberries.

Low-fat Protein

Proteins are also recommended to be included in a diet, but we must avoid processed foods to the maximum and opt for lighter and healthier meats. Fish, for example, is a protein-rich food perfect for lowering cholesterol and getting a better state of health; white meat, such as chicken or turkey, is also highly recommended to consume.

The case of the egg is somewhat different: the clear one can be taken without any problem, but the yolk should be avoided to the maximum because it provides a large amount of fats that are not good in the case of high cholesterol.

Comprehensive Cereals

Within the foods to lower the most recommended cholesterol, we must not forget whole grains, especially oats, barley, or quinoa. These ingredients give us a lot of food fiber that is essential to control the level of LDL in the blood and eliminate the accumulation of toxins. In particular, experts recommend including oats regularly in our diet because it is a very effective fiber food to combat cholesterol and reduce its levels in just six weeks.

Vegetable oils

Oil is also a perfect ally to fight cholesterol and get your health back. Olive is the most recommended, however you can also opt for sunflower, avocado, etc. Oils are rich in healthy fatty acids for the body. They help us to improve the functioning of our cardiovascular system and, in general, to enjoy optimal health. That’s right: never exceed 2 tablespoons a day and, whenever you can, take it raw.


We end this list with foods to lower cholesterol to talk about avocado, a fruit that is very beneficial to the body and is rich in good fats. In addition, this food is also very rich in fiber, so it will promote the elimination of the excesses and toxins of our body preventing its accumulation in the arteries.

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