5 Foods Rich in Protein

5 Foods Rich in Protein

The protein is essential for the proper functioning of our body. It is a macromolecule that is made up of amino acids and is essential for the health of our muscles. It is one of the main nutrients we take through food, along with carbohydrates or fats.

Then let’s discover a list of 5 protein-rich foods that can’t be missing from your diet. They are very easy to find foods in a supermarket and that will help you keep your body strong and healthy.

List of Foods Rich in Protein

Proteins are a source of energy for the body. We must provide every day between 40-60 grams of these substances to our body, depending on age and daily activity.

Proteins found in foods of animal origin are of better quality and more assimilable for the body. But you don’t just have to eat meat, fish, cheese and eggs. A balanced diet requires plant proteins for the proper functioning of the body. In the case of vegans or vegetarians, they need to eat plant foods that complement each other and provide high-quality proteins to the body.

Among the foods with the highest amount of protein are:

  • Serrano ham
  • Harzer cheese
  • Natural tuna
  • Turkey Breast
  • Beef
  • Prawns
  • Soft cheeses
  • Egg white
  • Yogurt

Sausage Loin

It is the sausage that has the highest number of nutrients and with less fat. For every 100 gr, half is protein, 8 gr of fat, and is rich in vitamins B1 and B3, in addition to iron and calcium.


It is a plant food with a high percentage of protein (36 gr per 100 gr). The bioactive components found in this food favor muscle oxygenation, have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, regulate cholesterol, and strengthen the immune system. Soy is an indispensable food in the vegetarian and vegan diet.

Curated cheese

It is a food highly recommended for athletes, due to its high protein supply (32 gr of every 100 gr of product). It is also rich in calcium, and vitamins B12, B9, B2, and B1. It is not recommended to abuse this food because of its high content in saturated fats.

The Serrano Ham

Ham is a sausage with 30 gr of protein per 100 gr of ham, and without just fat, nor do they provide many calories. It is the perfect and tastier food for meat lovers. Despite being a food with large amounts of salt, it provides our body with necessary nutrients because it is a food rich in zinc and iron.


Cod is one of the fish that has the most fat-free protein, so it is advised on slimming diets. It is a white fish and contains 9 of the essential amino acids of high biological value therefore the organism better assimilates. It provides 31.5g of protein per 100 cod; it can be consumed both fresh and salty (once unleashed) and with the same protein contribution.

Role of Proteins

Our organism is made up of chemicals, which work properly if we take care of it with a varied, balanced diet and some exercise. Proteins are the body elements responsible for tissue formation and transport of food components, as in the creation of cells of the immune system. The foods that contain the most proteins can be classified as foods of animal origin, and are found in meats, fish, cheeses, and eggs; and those of plant origin such as legumes, cereals, nuts, fruits, and vegetables.

The function of proteins in the body is essential. They are responsible for both the formation and repair of tissues and muscles, facilitating chemical reactions, and transporting nutrients from foods, such as vitamins and minerals, through the body. Others function as regulators in the formation of pathogenic antibodies, or cell division and transmission of brain impulses to different parts of the body.

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