f you don’t know what CrossFit is, we recommend you report this sport that is fashionable before you start practicing it.
Among CrossFit’s routines, there are high-intensity exercises that require a very specific technique to avoid injury and achieve maximum benefits for our body. One of them is the snatch or boot, the movement typical of weightlifting that brings numerous benefits to our state of shape. It’s one of CrossFit’s exercises for the most popular gym.
What does it consist of? What’s the right technique for doing a snatch? Discover the potential of this CrossFit exercise for your body, the factors that influence proper execution, and some expert tips for learning how to do the perfect snatch and avoid injury.
What Is A Snatch?
The snatch or rip is considered one of the most complex movements of weightlifting. It requires precise and coordinated movements, which must be executed with great precision and at a high speed. Any failure in exercise can lead to serious back injuries.
What’s more, this is not a kind of CrossFit exercise that is recommended to all athletes. To complete it safely you must have certain physical qualities: strong legs, flexibility, and good reflexes. Think the rip is a move where you lift a weight bar from the ground above your head in a matter of seconds.
Yes, yes. This is one of the most interesting CrossFit exercises within the so-called WODs routines but requires a very thorough technique. During boxing training, you must follow the instructions and advice of the coach to master this complex weightlifting exercise in which a large number of muscles intervene: flexor muscles and extensions of the hip, knee, ischiotibials, quadriceps, abductors, deltoids, external muscles of the shoulder and scapulas, lumbar…
Technique and Factors To Be Taken Into Account For A Snatch
To make a perfect snatch in CrossFit it is essential to have a lot of control of your forces and a great technique to apply it in each of the phases that compose its execution. As a high-intensity exercise, the movement must be fluid, clean, continuous and controlled. Otherwise, not only will we not get 200% of its benefits, but we will be exposing ourselves to serious injury.
So, for the pull, we place the bar at the feet. The grip must be with the palms of the hands towards us so that the movement of climbing the bar reaches as high as possible while the squat is performed. At this point, the legs are stretched so that the whole body is extended with the bar already high. The separation of the legs will depend on the athlete’s comfort.
Tips to Avoid Injury
Since this CrossFit move involves very intense weights and efforts, consider this series of tips that will allow you to remove the shadow of injuries.
First, the back position. Always straight. The back should not participate in the bending but be supportive. To make this feasible, it is recommended to keep the core area tight. In addition, contracting the abdomen will allow you to concentrate more strength in the area.
If you’re starting, don’t run. Start with lower weights until you master the technique and movement. If you notice it costs you too much, stop and strengthen your legs, arms, and back with specific preparation exercises.
Even if you don’t believe it, grip is one of the keys to making a perfect snatch or rip. Practice standing the grip before starting the movement to ensure you hold the bar firmly. Similarly, it is highly recommended to practice each movement separately.
Finally, always have the bar near the body to control it at all times. And watch your feed.