5 Tips For Practicing Yoga At Home


Eastern practices such as yoga are becoming increasingly important. Every day, more people worldwide are joining these types of disciplines. They have proven to greatly contribute to physical and emotional health, which is why they continue to gain followers. However, many people wonder how to practice yoga at home, sinceContinue Reading

What is Ashtanga Yoga Definition and Benefits

What is Ashtanga Yoga? Definition and Benefits


Practicing Yoga has become one of the most idealized physical-spiritual activities. The numerous accounts and celebrities that show their postures have drawn attention to this form of physical and mental exercise. Within the wide range of types of yoga that can be practiced, we will delve into Ashtanga Yoga, knowingContinue Reading

7 Benefits of Practicing Yoga

7 Benefits of Practicing Yoga


Practicing yoga has become a rarity in fashion. Millions of yogis, famous or anonymous, are hooked, and more people are hooked on this discipline of body and mind. Whatever type of yoga you practice, the base of yoga is the same: it connects body, mind, and emotion through body expressionContinue Reading

What is Vinyasa Yoga Definition and Benefits

What is Vinyasa Yoga? Definition and Benefits


All branches and modalities of yoga are based on slow movements and meditation. On the contrary. Yoga, by its very nature, is an exercise full of dynamism. Among the most dynamic types of yoga is the Vinyasa Yoga, which is based on the chaining of a series of breath-helped movements.Continue Reading

The 5 Most Famous Types of Yoga

The 5 Most Famous Types of Yoga


Are you one of those who thinks practicing yoga is one of the lightest and easiest exercises that exist? Then you live in a mistake. Yoga practice is indeed more focused on relaxation, but it is not easy, as there is a full connection between the body and the mindContinue Reading

Bikram Yoga

What is Bikram Yoga? Definition and Benefits


The Bikram Yoga is a variant of classical Yoga, being the result of the combination of postures of different types of Yoga to achieve a healthy body, happiness, and inner peace. It has been just over 40 years since its creation by Bikram Choudhury, implanting itself in Spain over theContinue Reading

Yoga for Children

Yoga for Children: Benefits and Poses


Are you attracted to the idea of your kids learning yoga? If so and you seek to develop patience and persistence, in addition to better controlling your breathing and listening to your body, yoga classes are an excellent option to achieve it. In addition, yoga for children can become veryContinue Reading

What Is Kundalini Yoga

What Is Kundalini Yoga? Definition and Benefits


According to specialists in Hindu culture, Kundalini is a primordial energy or force that is numb at the base of our spine and constitutes the first chakra. An energy that is identified with latent creativity in each individual and is often represented as a screwed snake. When the energy awakens,Continue Reading

What is Hatha Yoga Definition and Benefits

What is Hatha Yoga? Definition and Benefits


Hatha Yoga is one of the most practiced yoga styles in the world for being practiced by anyone, regardless of age or physical condition. Hatha Yoga’s classes integrate asanas or physical postures, pranayamas or breathing exercises, as well as meditation and relaxation. A teacher’s guide will help you get thatContinue Reading