
Yoga for Beginners at Home

Yoga for Beginners at Home


Do you want to start doing yoga at home? It is a discipline that barely needs sports material and that can be easily practiced in your home. To do this, it is best that you start with postures or asanas that are specially designed for beginners so that, thus, youContinue Reading

type of yoga

How To Do Yoga at Home


Doing yoga at home is a more than acceptable option to take full care without the need to go to a gym. It’s also a magnificent opportunity to get the practice schedule squared into your daily routine. No excuses or jams. Now, what does it take to do yoga atContinue Reading

Yoga Nidra – A Practice To Unblock And Purify Your Mind


Yoga nidra is a very powerful discipline developed by Swami Satyananda Saraswati and has its origins in the tantra yoga tradition. It involves learning to relax consciously, releasing our creative abilities, and developing our inner potential. Nidra is a physically passive practice performed lying down in a silent space. However, one ofContinue Reading

Prenatal Yoga : 5 Exercises


When you are pregnant, your body goes through many changes that can cause you great levels of stress. That is why we introduce all future mothers to prenatal yoga: a way to keep your mind and body healthy during the gestation period.  Prenatal yoga focuses on postures that pregnant women canContinue Reading

The 4 paths of yoga

The 4 Paths Of Yoga


Yoga is an ancient Eastern technique that is now practiced in the West almost like any other sporting discipline. We can find it in specialized centers or gyms, combined with other sports practices, such as pilates. However, if what we are looking for is a correct practice of yoga, weContinue Reading

6 Yoga Poses To Improve Digestion

6 Yoga Poses To Improve Digestion


Yoga is a very healthy and complete type of physical exercise, so practicing it will allow us to obtain great benefits on a physical and mental level. To apply this type of practice more specifically, we show you some yoga postures to improve digestion. Due to the large amount of chemicalContinue Reading

5 Tips For Practicing Yoga At Home


Eastern practices such as yoga are becoming increasingly important. Every day, more people worldwide are joining these types of disciplines. They have proven to greatly contribute to physical and emotional health, which is why they continue to gain followers. However, many people wonder how to practice yoga at home, sinceContinue Reading

What is Ashtanga Yoga Definition and Benefits

What is Ashtanga Yoga? Definition and Benefits


Practicing Yoga has become one of the most idealized physical-spiritual activities. The numerous accounts and celebrities that show their postures have drawn attention to this form of physical and mental exercise. Within the wide range of types of yoga that can be practiced, we will delve into Ashtanga Yoga, knowingContinue Reading

7 Benefits of Practicing Yoga

7 Benefits of Practicing Yoga


Practicing yoga has become a rarity in fashion. Millions of yogis, famous or anonymous, are hooked, and more people are hooked on this discipline of body and mind. Whatever type of yoga you practice, the base of yoga is the same: it connects body, mind, and emotion through body expressionContinue Reading