Sexual Health (Page 2)

What Is Sexual Narcissism?


Do you feel used by your sexual partner? Does he or she only seek you out when he or she wants sex? Does he or she care exclusively about his or her pleasure, leaving aside yours and your feelings? If you have experienced any of this, pay attention to whatContinue Reading

Mindfulness And Sex: How Are They Related?


Meditation and conscious breathing exercises can improve the quality of sexual relations. The result of combining mindfulness and sex is more intense pleasure , as well as longer-lasting erections and orgasms. Mindfulness is the practice of full attention and concentration on the here and now. A type of conscious meditation that contributes toContinue Reading

10 Curiosities About Orgasm


Orgasms are part of our daily lives. Although, curiously, they are a taboo subject in society. We all know that an orgasm is the intense feeling of pleasure experienced during sexual intercourse. Or we can also define it as the feeling of fullness in which we merge with the other. Physiologically, it hasContinue Reading

How Does Menopause Affect Sexual Desire?


Sexual desire problems in women are more common after menopause. This suggests that menopause may reduce libido. The decrease in estrogen levels that occurs after menopause may decrease arousal and make sexual intercourse more painful. Menopausal and postmenopausal women may notice that they don’t get aroused as easily and that theyContinue Reading

The aftermath Of Sexual Violence


When people talk about sexual violence, many people think of child abuse or rape by a stranger. Although these are the most extreme forms of this phenomenon, they are not the only ones. There are many ways of exercising sexual violence, and this situation often occurs in stable and apparentlyContinue Reading

Does The Brain Have Sex?


There are many similarities between the male and female brains, but also some differences that mark prototypical behaviors of both sexes. To simplify, we can say that female brains have an architecture more conducive to empathy and male brains would have an architecture more conducive to finding their place in a hierarchy. WithContinue Reading

4 Ways To Increase Sexual Desire

4 Ways To Increase Sexual Desire


Daily worries, accumulated tension, low mood, conflicts in your relationship, or simply routine can decrease sexual desire. This, in turn, affects your relationship and can cause conflicts and misunderstandings. That is why expressing how you feel is so important in these types of situations. On the other hand, it is normalContinue Reading