Breaking A Prejudice A Day, The Best Recipe For Survival


Throughout the day, and without being aware of it, we speak and say things that denote our prejudices towards a person, a group of people, or a situation. The word prejudice comes from the Latin “praeiudicium” which translates as “prejudice”. Therefore, prejudice is the action of prejudging, or judging things or peopleContinue Reading

2 Recipes for Caesar Salad


If you’re a salad fan and you also consider yourself a fitness person, these recipes for Caesar Salad will love you. We know that if you eat salad several times a week, it can become a bit boring and monotonous. For this reason, we give you some ideas so youContinue Reading

Strawberry Cake Recipe With Sugar-Free Cream

Strawberry Cake Recipe With Sugar-Free Cream


Most of us always expect the most delicious part of meals: desserts. However, they are often loaded with artificial sugars, calories, and carbohydrates that are harmful to us. Therefore, discover this new recipe for strawberry cake with sugar-free cream. Sugar-free prescriptions have become popular as a healthy choice for thoseContinue Reading