Articles (Page 2)


Acupuncture: What’s Behind this Healing Treatment?


“Health is what makes you feel that now is the best time of the year.” In this year in which we have realized how important health is, acupuncture offers a wide range of effective solutions to diseases and ailments, either alone or as a complement to conventional medicine. What isContinue Reading

Melatonin and Weight Loss

Melatonin and Weight Loss: Here’s What to Know


Melatonin is a hormone that naturally occurs in your body. You may also consume supplements for the production of this hormone. Insufficient sleep can impact overall fitness. The research has found that melatonin is not just good for sleep health but also hfor as a positive impact on the body.Continue Reading

muscle tear

How to treat muscle tear?


When we talk about a muscle tear we are faced with the rupture, either partially or totally. But when this happens, how should we act? Let’s see how to treat a muscle tear. People who have suffered a muscle tear say it feels as if they are nailed by moreContinue Reading

6 tips for facing bullying or matoneo

6 Tips to Deal with Bullying or Harassment


Unfortunately, bullying, now known as bullying, is something that has always existed. Although only recently has he been given the importance he deserves. It has long been seen as something natural and not as the serious problem it is. Today, it is common to hear about bullying in schools. However,Continue Reading

Spirulina algae

Spirulina algae: contraindications and precautions


One of the best-known algae consumed in recent times is spirulina, a greenish seaweed that has a large amount of essential nutrients for the body, so currently many people consume it as a complement to their diet. Despite its health benefits, the truth is that there are certain contraindications thatContinue Reading

Zepbound vs Wegovy

Zepbound vs Wegovy – Weight Loss Drugs in Glimpse


Both Zepbound (tirzepatide) and Wegovy (semaglutide) are injectable medications for weight loss. Mostly, both of them work on the same principle of weight management related to hunger, diet, and cravings. Although their goals are the same they work differently in the body. As per the current research, it is foundContinue Reading


Betaine: Properties, benefits and what it’s for


Sometimes we get advice from doctors about certain nutrients that are needed for our body to function properly. They also recommend guides or diets to avoid health problems. Thus, terms such as betaine begin to become recurrent. However, many times we understand only half of what we are told. InContinue Reading

Ideas to create a menu to combat constipation

Ideas to create a menu to combat constipation


Many people suffer daily from constipation, a discomfort that, in the long run, can trigger more serious discomfort. In this article, we give you some ideas so you can create a healthy menu to combat constipation. The fiber The key to combating constipation is fiber, a substance that must beContinue Reading