Itish (Page 2)


Acupuncture: What’s Behind this Healing Treatment?


“Health is what makes you feel that now is the best time of the year.” In this year in which we have realized how important health is, acupuncture offers a wide range of effective solutions to diseases and ailments, either alone or as a complement to conventional medicine. What isContinue Reading

Melatonin and Weight Loss

Melatonin and Weight Loss: Here’s What to Know


Melatonin is a hormone that naturally occurs in your body. You may also consume supplements for the production of this hormone. Insufficient sleep can impact overall fitness. The research has found that melatonin is not just good for sleep health but also hfor as a positive impact on the body.Continue Reading

What types of headaches are there

What types of headaches are there?


Soles suffering from a headache? You have to know that, in general, different pathologies relate to this symptom. To do this, it is always important to go to a specialist who will tell us about what type of condition we are in and will therefore tell us the most appropriateContinue Reading