Tips to avoid excesses at Christmas


Although it seems difficult, the truth is that in the Christmas season, it is possible to eat healthy and avoid the typical excesses of these holidays. Clearly, there are some family reunions where we may eat and drink more of the bill, but we have to be aware of whatContinue Reading


What is Euthanasia? Facts about this act


Death is never easy. Each person’s journey is unique. The healing process of each survivor is also unique. And that is why each person should also be able to have the power to decide whether he wants to continue that journey through life, or simply end the way due toContinue Reading

Allergies Treatments, Symptoms, and Causes

Allergies: Treatments, Symptoms, and Causes


About 20 percent of the world’s population suffers from some kind of allergy. Many factors can cause these reactions in patients, such as pollen, mites, nuts, fungi, etc. Although each allergy has particular characteristics, the truth is that the symptoms and treatment are quite similar. For this reason, in this article,Continue Reading