The Effects Of Alcohol On The Brain


The effects of alcohol are very negative, both on the brain and on behavior. According to a study published by the American researcher J. Roizen, alcohol is present in most violent crimes. Based on data collected in the United States, it is known that 86% of murderers act under the influence of alcohol. ThisContinue Reading

Exercising Helps You Become Smarter


Exercising is very healthy for both your body and your mind . In addition to helping you stay healthy and fit, exercise also helps you feel better about yourself, have more energy, regulate stress and combat anxiety and depression. However, the power of exercise on your body and mind goes further.  Recent studies haveContinue Reading

5 Tips For Being More Patient Parents


In general, patience is not the strong point of today’s parents. Perhaps, patience is not especially widespread. The stress we are subjected to, the competitiveness of the environment, the rush, the high expectations that are placed on us and that we place on our children and the uncertainty about what willContinue Reading

The Three Major Disadvantages Of Virtual Sex


Few businesses have been able to take advantage of advances in communication as efficiently as the pornography industry. In recent years, mainly due to the popularization of the Internet, there has been a real explosion of adult content around the world. Social networks, messaging services, and mobile devices have been flooded withContinue Reading

Benefits Of Sleeping On The Left Side Of The Body


According to some studies, the position in which we sleep is crucial in our lives. Some of these positions help improve our health. Depending on how we position our body, we can either intensify our rest, facilitate the normal development of our functions and organs, and feel completely relaxed. Up, down, rightContinue Reading

Major Depression: What Causes It And How Is It Treated?


Major depression is one of the most serious and debilitating psychological disorders.  It is a pathological state that goes beyond a simple state of sadness. It involves despondency, suicidal thoughts, physical and psychological exhaustion, and low self-esteem. Thus, one thing that experts tell us is that this condition transcends evenContinue Reading