The Poor Person Lacks Many Things, The Greedy One, All

The Poor Person Lacks Many Things, The Greedy One, All

The poor person will be short of many things. You won’t be able to enjoy great luxuries, sometimes you don’t even have a roof. On the other hand, the greedy is sometimes in a much worse situation.

We’ve grown up in a consumer society. You just have to look at the advertising that floods our day-to-day: the last cell phone that has come to the market, that car that no one has yet… I’m sure what we have is no longer to make it disgusting. However, we increasingly long to have more without giving enough value to what we possess.

The Greedy Lacks Many Things Because He Doesn’t Value Them.

We think we lack things because that’s how they teach us to think. That car that’s finished out has something ours doesn’t yet. Even if it is a small, barely important thing, we believe it is necessary. We are full of selfishness and competitiveness. We are pleased to acquire this new object. But are we happy to do this? The poor are. It doesn’t matter that they’re on the street, they don’t even have to eat. Are they sad sometimes? Well, of course.

We’re emotional beings and, although everything goes great to us, we’ll have to suffer our moments of downturn. Despite all this, the poor know what true happiness is because he has learned to value how little he has. On the contrary, we observe every day those who enjoy millions that many of us would like to have.

They can buy everything and still have plenty. However, they feel empty and sometimes waste because it is all they can do not think about how bad they are. We have to grow the soul and feed our being with good things. Longing for more and more things won’t make us happy, but will distract the gaze from what deserves attention: our interior.

There’s No Better Teacher Than Life Itself

We already know all this we’ve said. However, we continue to stumble upon the same stone over and over again. But by the way, we fall, we’ll end up learning. There’s no better teacher than life itself to make us see how wrong we were. Let’s remember those times that we’ve started valuing people after losing them.

Let’s think about the lot of clothes we buy and how bad we feel when we get home and see our wallet empty. We act without thinking because we don’t look; we just see. Every time we lament the life we have we despise everything we have achieved so far and all those people who are next to us. We’re already happy. But we’re looking for reasons not to be.

Don’t stop reading: Learn to Save Yourself First

The More You Get, The More You’re Worth.

The greedy thinks the more friends he has, the better they’ll consider it. The better his work, the more recognition he’ll get. However, the value that matters is the one you give yourself. Are there better or worse jobs? If there are tougher, more sacrificed than others. However, you should never make an assessment of which one looks best in the face of society.

It’s time to start questioning everything we believed in so far. No one can get away from the influence of certain values and beliefs sanctioned as good for society. If we can, on the other hand, make a selection of those who suit us. Let us be critical and keep that which brings us and is useful for living in harmony with ourselves.

By Way of Conclusion:

Think for a moment what would happen if we didn’t have problems and everything was within our reach? We’d live well, calm down, in peace. But what about next? We do not value that everything that happens to us gives meaning to our existence. Without problems, without difficulty, without challenges, our lives would be worthless.
