The Importance of Joint Mobility

The Importance of Joint Mobility

When exercising, they not only engage or tone the muscles. Joints, such as gears that communicate parts and functions, are responsible for the proper functioning of the body. Then it explains the importance of joint mobility, especially if it is trained regularly.

What Is Joint Mobility And Why Improve It?

The movement that is carried out with the joints in the heating phase or muscle preparation exercises so that the joints do not suffer lesions is known as joint mobility. The body points on which it should be exercised are mainly the neck, ankles, hips, and shoulders.

Faced with the various contradictions, what you have to bet is to perform active exercises in the locomotive and muscle apparatus, to avoid wear and joint and muscle wear and lesions. Hence it is important, first of all, to know what is the individual capacity to develop joint mobility to the maximum, as well as to protect the rest of the elements involved in each movement.

Joint Mobility Exercises

Joint mobility exercises should be part of the daily routine because they activate movement capacity, prevent injuries, help in blood circulation, improve the sliding of connecting tissues and reduce the risk of arthrosis. We suggested these five exercises.

The bridge

It starts in an upside position and with knees flexed at almost 90 degrees. Place your arms to your head, resting the palm of your hand turn to the ground, at the height of the neck. You have to lift the trunk, to form an arch, with your legs, trunk, and arms, putting your head in. We are attached to the ground with feet and hands; slowly go down to the initial position and repeat. This is the vertebrae, shoulders, and hips exercise.

Circle with the Shoulders

Here we stand face down, extending the body and feet. It’s about describing circles with our arms stretched and without touching the ground. Take them from the direction of the head, in a position to clap their hands, to the hips, and even to the lumbar area of their backs, and spin their shoulders when describing the circle. With this exercise, all muscles are activated: back, legs, and moving arms.

Lunge with pectoral opening

It is a very complete exercise to gives mobility to the hip, spine, neck, and shoulder flexors. We have good stability of the scapular waist; in the slightly supine position, we fixed the hand to the ground, the shoulder aligned with the supported hand, leg on the same straight side with the body and head. Lift the other arm and spin the trunk and head, following the arm, which we carry backward with the look.

Archer’s Squat

With this exercise, we improve the mobility of the hip. In squat position, with feet leaning to the ground, stretching one leg, as much as possible, in the lateral direction, and with the other flexed. You have to open your hip as much as you can, passing the leg’s body squats to the stretched leg. Now they will be changed: the one flexed and the opposite stretched. It is convenient not to raise the trunk much, even if at first it costs us.

The Cat and The Table

In a quadruple position, support your hands and knees. The shoulders are in line with the hands and the hip with the knees; place the head looking at a fixed point on the ground, but without lowering it. Put your ass in, while putting your head in your arms. We’ll notice that the lumbar vertebrae go up until we form an arc with the body. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat 4-5 times. With this, we favor the movement of the scapulas and spine.
