Red Tea: Properties And Benefits

Red Tea Properties And Benefits

Red tea is native to the Pu-Erh area, a village in China in the southwestern part of the country, in the district of Yunnan. Red tea is made from the leaves and stems of the Camellia sinensis, a plant from which many other teas are made. In the case of red tea, it is characterized by having a sweeter flavor than the rest and being stimulating when having theine and caffeine, in addition to providing a wide variety of health benefits.

Its preparation is peculiar, as the selected leaves are fermented in barrels for a period ranging from 2 to 60 years. Red tea has been consumed for centuries in the East, extending its consumption thanks to trade routes and becoming one of the most demanded teas in both the East and the West.

Here we will discover the properties and benefits of red tea so you can discover everything this drink will bring to your body.

Properties of Red Tea:

Red tea contains vitamins B, C, and D, in addition to providing minerals such as magnesium, potassium, iodine, zinc, and fluoride, also counting on polyphenols, theophylline, caffeine, and fiber.

A variety of elements that give you several properties. Thus, red tea has diuretic, detoxifying, digestive, stimulating and immunostimulants, hepatoprotective, antihistamines, hypotensive, hypocholesterolemic, and antioxidant. A variety of properties reflected in several very interesting benefits:

Avoid fluid retention

The diuretic and detoxifying properties of red tea favor the removal of toxins, making metabolism work, and no liquids are retained.

It favors digestion and helps to lose weight

Red tea helps metabolize food properly, promoting the secretion of gastric juices. Thus, red tea infusions help make the digestive process correct, taking advantage of nutrients and getting rid of all toxins.

Within this process, red tea also stimulates fat removal. The effectiveness of red tea in fat loss has been supported by a study widely collected in the literature on the subject, the study carried out by the University Hospital of Tainán, China. According to this research, patients who participated in the test lost more than 15% of body fat. The research concluded that red tea favors thermogenesis, being very effective at losing weight.

Another study by the Pan American Agricultural School, Zamorano Honduras (November 2017) on the infusion of red tea (Camellia sinensis) with blackberry (Rubus ulmifolius) enriched with glucans for the control of glycemia in diabetic people showed that taking this tea for 28 days there was a reducing effect of the anthropometric measurements of the Body Mass Index (IMC) and the waning-chain index (ICC).

Help regulate cholesterol

Red tea also turns out to be an effective natural remedy for lowering blood cholesterol levels.

Favors concentration

The percentage of caffeine and tea that red tea has favors concentration and staying awake as long as possible, having fewer side effects than coffee.

Strengthens the immune system

The large number of antioxidants it possesses makes red tea an ideal remedy for reducing free radicals.

Side Effects of Red Tea:

Among the contraindications of red tea are that having caffeine and theine can cause alterations of the nervous system, hypertension, and tachycardia, not advising its consumption during pregnancy.
