Gastritis is a type of condition that causes inflammation in the stomach and therefore causes discomfort when it comes to assimilating food. However, within this type of condition, we also find nerve gastritis (also known as functional dyspepsia name) which produces very similar symptoms to traditional gastritis.
The main difference that nerve gastritis brings is that it does not inflame the stomach due to the presence of bacteria but that swelling is a response of our body to a situation of excessive stress. The reason for this condition is psychological: the accumulation of stress or tension leads to the onset of symptoms.
In this article, we’re going to talk about nerve gastritis, its symptoms, and the treatment recommended by health experts.
What is Nervous Gastritis?
Nervous gastritis is a condition that is related to gastritis because the symptoms are very similar: burning, acidity, stomach discomfort… But the cause is not the same, because traditional gastritis causes inflammation of the stomach due to the presence of bacteria, while the nerve does so because of emotional reasons.
The reasons why these symptoms occur in the digestive system are related to emotion management. The accumulation of nerves or tension in the day-to-day is what causes these signs to appear and discomfort. Therefore, one of the keys to treating nerve gastritis will always be therapy.
It is a type of gastritis that has a cure and that can be treated by making some changes in life habits: a better diet, a review of medication or products that are ingested daily, a calmer life, etc.
Main Symptoms of Nervous Gastritis
Nerve gastritis does not always present clear symptoms, however, there are some effects caused by stress that affect us internally. The most common are the following:
– Stomach pain. It is the most obvious symptom of any type of gastritis and also occurs in nervous gastritis.
– Lack of hunger. Due to stomach swelling, nervous gastritis generates a feeling of being satiated at all times and therefore reduces hunger.
– Heaviness in the stomach. It feels like the diet is not digested well and that the stomach is fuller than normal.
– Acidity. Because of the inflammation, food takes longer to digest and this causes heartburn.
– Nausea. The discomfort in the stomach causes the patient to feel like throwing up and experience nausea.
Treatment of Nerve Gastritis
Nerve gastritis can be treated and, to this end, three specific points must be addressed:
– Drugs. After all, the stomach is swollen, so we must protect it with drugs like Omeprazole.
– Emotional management. Going to therapy or changing habits to have a more relaxed and quiet life is basic for treating nervous gastritis, as nerves are the main cause of this condition.
– Light diet. We must also opt for a diet for gastritis that is easy to digest and with light foods to improve digestion and avoid stomach pain.