How To Identify Stress

How To Identify Stress

Stress is a mental and physical reaction generated by the need to adapt to changes in the environment. What causes it? How can we identify it? How can we change our way of seeing life? In this article, we will tell you.

Moving, a new project at work, a bumpy commute, planning a wedding, a long trip, always having a spotless house, wanting to lose weight for the summer, spending more time with the family, a packed schedule of meetings… all of this can generate stress if we “allow it”. Therefore, learning to identify stress can help us put a stop to it.

As a first step and before determining whether we are really “stressed” we must know that it affects a large portion of society. It is a mental and physical reaction generated by the need to adapt to changes in our environment. It is then a “reflex” behavior to adapt to pressures, both internal and external, with the aim of the body being able to continue functioning.

During an episode of stress, the nervous system is predisposed to physical action and more hormones are released into the blood; heart rate and blood pressure increase, there is accelerated breathing, muscle tension (or contracture) and rapid consumption of energy.

Doctors and psychologists say that a balanced dose of stress is good for our health. How? Yes, just as you have read. It is that “positive stress” gives us greater vitality, vivacity, physical resistance, and optimism. Suffering a high amount of stress for a prolonged period causes the body to become unbalanced and we suffer from pessimism, lack of concentration, irritability, and fatigue.

This is why it is vital to identify stress in time, to avoid, for example, the weakening of the immune system (which causes disease), the acceleration of calcium loss in the bones (causing osteoporosis), the possibility of suffering heart attacks, cell damage, affecting memory or cognitive abilities, the deposit of fat in the waist, buttocks and hips, the development of cancer, etc.

What causes negative stress?

The events or moments mentioned at the beginning of this article are the reason why we can get stressed, but in reality, the causes or factors that lead us to suffer from this condition are:

  • Lack of time.
  • Excessive responsibility.
  • High expectations.
  • Little interaction with family.
  • Smoke.
  • Excessive and persistent noise.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • Excessive concern.
  • Fear.
  • Traffic problems.
  • Sudden temperature changes.
  • Inadequate nutrition.
  • Trouble sleeping.
  • Discussions.
  • Losses or tragedies.

Identifying stress and knowing how to act to stop it will prevent it from becoming negative stress.

How can we identify stress?

If we have a headache once in a while or if we feel tired from working so much on a Friday every month, it does not mean that we are “stressed”. We do not need to use this fashionable word for everything, in any circumstance. Although it is true that because it has many causes and symptoms it is easier to suffer from it, it is a serious problem that should not be taken lightly.

When we are stressed, our behavior, attitudes, and moods are affected. Paying attention to the warning signs is vital. For example, if we are arguing with our partner more than usual, if we notice that we are always frowning, if we shout about everything if we are always in a bad mood if everything irritates us, or if it seems like the whole world is against us daily, we may be under the “effects” of stress.

On the other hand, no matter how much time we sleep per day, we are always sleepy or tired, if we suffer from disorders such as insomnia or chronic fatigue, if nothing catches our attention as before if we are not motivated with new ideas, if we live with back or neck pain, if we suffer from digestive problems (frequent heartburn, for example), it may also be because we have fallen under the bad influences of stress.

It is therefore necessary to take into account our behaviour and to know how to “listen” when our body speaks. It informs us daily how it is feeling and if we do not pay attention to it, the problem can become bigger and bigger.

Changing our way of seeing life

Once we have learned to identify stress, the next step is to start changing the way we see life, what we think or believe we should expect, seek professional help to be able to channel our energies where they should be, etc.

It is also useful to establish concise and clear priorities, to know how to delegate responsibilities and tasks, to learn to say no when we really cannot fulfill that commitment, to do what we can promptly, and if we do not have enough hours in the day, to leave it for the next day; to forget about work problems when we leave the office, to stop taking on big challenges or goals that are difficult to meet, to set more distant deadlines, among other actions.

And it is worthwhile for the general benefit: doing exercise or physical activity two or three times a week (always choosing a discipline that we like); eating properly, preferring vegetables and fruit over fast food, and practicing relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation or Tai Chi, or simply dedicating a few minutes a day to calming stress with a bath, a cup of tea and a good book or a chat with friends.

If we are going through a stage in our life that can be really “stressful” (like those mentioned at the beginning), we need to stop and think about whether it is worth destroying our mental and physical health to “deliver” on time and in the right way. Enjoying the organization of the wedding, the construction of the house, or a business of our own will put a stop to stress, it will not let it act against us.
