Do you want to lose weight in a healthy way? So first of all is that you have PACIENCE since weight loss will not be overnight: it will be progressive and, best of all, stable and lasting. To lose weight all you have to do is check your diet, reduce the presence of saturated fats, and avoid sedentary life. Betting on a healthy life is the only secret to slimming down.
In this article we want to help you fulfill your goals and, therefore, we share with you a healthy weight loss diet that will serve as guidance and inspiration. You can design your diet with the foods you like best so that, thus, losing weight is a pleasant process and does not get heavy. We’re starting.
Foods to lose weight
Before you discover the diet, it is important that you know which foods are the most recommended for healthy thinning. Please note that, in the objective of losing weight, food is 80% important, while physical exercise is 20% important.
With this we mean, if you do a lot of sport but don’t eat well, few results you’ll see.
So you can make your diet to lose weight healthy, here we share with you the most recommended foods:
– Vegetables and greens. They are one of the essential foods in your diet. In fact, they should be present at all meals of the day and in a protagonist way. It is recommended that half the lunch and dinner plate be vegetables.
– Light proteins. Proteins are also essential when it comes to losing weight and, if you’re vegan or vegetarian, you’ll have to opt for those of plant origin. In the case of omnivores, you should ensure that proteins are light (lean meat and white fish) and, above all, that the way to cook them is low in fat. No fried, sauces, or bouncing.
– Complex carbohydrates. Carbohydrates should not be missing in a weight loss diet, although their presence should be reduced to 25 or 30% of your plate. It is recommended that you always opt for whole-grain carbohydrates to reduce the consumption of sugars or refined products as much as possible.
– Good fats. They should also be present in your diet because they are great allies with the health of your heart. Extra virgin olive oil, avocado, or salmon are very healthy ingredients for your diet.
– Fruits. We should not forget about fruits, ingredients loaded with nutrients and with very few calories. Avoid eating them at night and always eat them between meals, this way, you will take better advantage of their nutritional contribution.
Example of diet:
Below we’re going to give you an example of a weight loss diet that, as we’ve already mentioned, you can change and design at your will. It’s a guide that can help you to create yours.
– Breakfast: 2 slices of whole wheat bread with avocado and tomato + Coffee with skim milk
– Mid-morning: 2 pieces of fruit of the day
– Lunch: Green salad + Portion of brown rice sautéed with asparagus and mushrooms
– Snack: Infusion + Skimmed yogurt.
– Dinner: Vegetable cream + 2-egg omelette + Onion salad