Differences Between Sexual Abuse and Rape

Sexual abuse and rape are two terms that are used as if they were synonymous. However, addressing the differences they contain will allow us to shed a little light on two realities that, sadly, arise very often.

In both sexual abuse and rape, the victim may suffer from disorders such as:

  • Post-traumatic stress.
  • Decrease in self-esteem.
  • Experience feelings of helplessness for life.

Then we will explain the meaning of each of the terms. This way you will learn to differentiate them.

Rape, Forced Sexual Act

Rape, Forced Sexual Act

A rape is the performance of a forced sexual act, in which there is penetration. It develops through force or intimidation. The victim is subjected to having sex against his will.

  • Rape can be done in three different ways: oral, anal, or vaginal.
  • There must not necessarily be penetration using only genitals, but also objects or other parts of the body, such as fingers.

Although rape occurs in rape an unconsensual sexual act, the person who rapes does not always seek sexual satisfaction. In some cases, what you are looking for is to boast of your power, to subdue the other person to enjoy the feeling of superiority. This is suggested by this study carried out by the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (Mexico).

Sexual Abuse And Its Presence In The Couple

Sexual abuse and its presence in the couple

Although the title may be shocking, sexual abuse may be present in the couple. In this case, there is no physical force or aggression, but deceptions and manipulations, as this research carried out by the University of La Laguna states.

The goal is for the other person to do things that allow the abuser to get excited; for example, by coercion, it can cause him to send him some uploaded photo of tone through the mobile.

Also, the person who sexually abuses another can use touches and friction to make his victim nervous. Ultimately, he harasses her.

At what point can there be sexual abuse in a couple? For example, by forcing your sentimental partner to do fellatio when she doesn’t want to do this practice.

There is also a practice called “stealthing,” according to this study carried out by Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, which involves the removal of the condom when consensual sexual intercourse is being held, without the other person knowing it, so it is considered sexual abuse.

Sexual Abuse And Rape Are Not Always Paraphilia:

Woman Defending Herself From Sexual Harassment By Boss

On countless occasions, sexual abuse and rape that some people exercise against others are considered to be a kind of paraphilia; however, this may go further.

Childhood trauma or some kind of abuse suffered in childhood can cause some people to seek to dominate and exercise violence against others, as this study carried out by the University of Barcelona states.

In this way, they bring out the problems that torment them, since they do not know how to attend to them positively; For example, by going to a psychologist.

This is because most of these people tend to deny those painful facts that have marked them negatively.

What Is The Penalty Of Sexual Abuse and Rape?

  • Currently, rapes often face severe prison sentences, between 6 and 12 years in prison for the person who sexually assaults another.
  • However, sexual abuse only has penalties of between 4 and 10 years, depending on the type of abuse that arises.

What is beyond doubt is that the victim is the biggest affected. The psychological sequelae, fear, and insecurities, the result of all this, can transform the way they relate to other people.

A victim of sexual abuse and rape takes many years to recover, despite going to psychologists and performing several treatments. Some never get to the mark. What happened leaves them with such a deep mark that it will continue to affect them for the rest of their lives.
