How To Talk To Children About Alcohol And Drugs

How To Talk To Children About Alcohol And Drugs


The problem of irresponsible alcohol consumption does not distinguish ages, and more and more minors are exposed. Anticipating will offer the child strategies to distinguish unhealthy proposals. We tell you how and when to talk to them, depending on the stage they are in. Talking to children about alcohol andContinue Reading

Female Infidelity VS. Male Infidelity


It is said that women cheat from the waist up and men from the waist down. Is this statement true? Can we determine how infidelity is considered according to gender? Is there a perception of female infidelity and another of male infidelity? What no one can deny is that, on average, women understand cheating inContinue Reading


Psychodrama: The Unique Way To Represent Problems


Psychodrama is a therapeutic tool in which dramatization is the main element. Children, adults, adolescents, and the elderly can participate in this type of therapy. It consists of connecting with the deepest part of ourselves and representing what overwhelms us. Thus, it is a creative way of solving the problemsContinue Reading

Doing Sports Out Of Obligation

Doing Sports Out Of Obligation: Does It Have Consequences?


Tennis, running, football, basketball, canoeing, gymnastics, athletics, surfing, horse riding… There are so many sports that it is almost impossible not to like one. Practicing sport brings us many benefits for our body and mind… but, be careful! There are certain factors, circumstances, and situations that can turn wanting to doContinue Reading

How Does Caffeine Poisoning Occur?


Caffeine is a substance that occurs naturally in the leaves and seeds of many plants. It is also manufactured artificially and added to certain foods. It is considered a stimulant because it activates the central nervous system, increasing the level of alertness. Caffeine is found in tea, coffee, many soft drinks, painContinue Reading

Dying From Anxiety: Myth Or Reality?


“I can’t stand it anymore,” “I think I’m going to have a heart attack,” “These symptoms are horrible,” “When I’m short of breath, I think I’m going to die from anxiety.” These complaints are common in patients suffering from panic disorder or anxiety attacks.  People with panic disorder have sudden, repeatedContinue Reading

How To Control Stress In 5 Steps?


Sometimes we find it difficult to control stress. Throughout our day, it is very common to feel incapable of achieving everything we set out to do and to have trouble falling asleep, resting poorly at night, and waking up tired early in the morning. Headaches are also very common, they irritate and bother usContinue Reading

5 Habits To Enhance Your Charisma


Are there habits in your routine to enhance your charisma? As Paul Rand said, “how something is done or presented is often more important than what.” That is, sometimes the ways or circumstances in which you do something are more important than that something. We see this, for example, in many peopleContinue Reading