5 Foods Rich in Iodine

5 Foods Rich in Iodine


Iodine is one of the essential minerals for the proper functioning of the thyroid, the gland that regulates our hormonal state to the ability to burn or produce fats, in addition to being responsible for the rhythm of the heartbeat. Thus, an imbalance in the proportion of iodine in ourContinue Reading


5 Super Healthy Gluten-Free Foods


Do you have gluten intolerances? Then you should regulate your diet and bet on a gluten-free diet and fit for celiacs. Currently, finding gluten-free products in the supermarket is much easier than years ago; in fact, many brands have bet on making the gluten-free version of their foods so thatContinue Reading

Medicinal Properties of Plants

Medicinal Properties of Plants: Reality or Myth?


Medicinal plants are used to prevent and assist in the treatment of different ailments and diseases. There are many myths about it, although there are indeed beneficial properties. A large majority of these plants help strengthen the immune system, allowing it to fight and end harmful cells that may beContinue Reading

Maca: Properties and Benefits


The maca or Lepidium peruvianum is a plant grown from ancient times in the central Andes of Peru. A plant that grows between 3700 and 4500 meters at sea level and that the Andean inhabitants consume because of their high nutritional contribution, the amount of energy it provides, and itsContinue Reading

Endoscopy What It Is And What It Is For

Endoscopy: What It Is And What It Is For?


Early detection, whatever the pathology, is key to not only having a better prognosis but a higher chance of healing or symptom relief. Diagnostic methods, according to the times, continue to evolve to increase the accuracy of their results and minimize discomfort in the patient. One of the most commonContinue Reading

Chamomile Properties and Benefits

Chamomile: Properties and Benefits


Chamomile is one of the oldest medicinal herbs in the world and one of the most consumed in infusion. Its numerous properties have made it one of the most popular and popular natural remedies, especially for its digestive, soothing, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, and antiseptic properties. It is a thin root plant,Continue Reading

TAC What Is It And How It Is Done

TAC: What Is It And How It Is Done


Diagnostic systems sometimes require greater precision to identify diseases and pathologies. One of these non-invasive medical tests, that is, does not require a puncture or cut in the patient’s body, is the CT scan. What is a CT? Is that the same as an MRI? When is it recommended oneContinue Reading

Colonoscopy: Everything You Need to Know

Colonoscopy: Everything You Need to Know


Disorders in the digestive system can be light, such as irritable colon, or serious, such as cancer. colonoscopy is today, the best study to confirm in time any type of colon cancer and other complications in the intestine, whether inside the color or the rectum. To do this, an instrument,Continue Reading

Diet for Diabetics How To Do It Properly

Diet for Diabetics: How To Do It Properly


Are you suffering from diabetes? This is a common disease in society that affects blood glucose levels. Diabetic people often have these levels at a higher level than recommended and, therefore, it is essential to control the diet to the maximum so as not to unbalance glucose even more. AsContinue Reading