9 Home Remedies for Worms

9 Home Remedies for Worms


The intestinal worms are parasites that live in the gut and can make your guest sick. Many of them do not generate symptoms when the infection is mild, and when the signs are manifested they may be both at the gastrointestinal level and in other parts of the body. AlthoughContinue Reading

How to Stop Snoring with Natural Remedies

How to Stop Snoring with Natural Remedies


Snoring is annoying, both for you and for your household mates. They are caused by partial obstruction of the airflow and, although it is a benign manifestation, it can be a symptom of sleep apnea syndrome. To know how to stop snubbing, read this article. Many people who snore haveContinue Reading

The Presence of Nitrites in The Urine

The Presence of Nitrites in The Urine


The appearance of nitrites in the urine is detected by a specific examination that can complement the diagnosis of urinary infection. These substances should not normally be found at any concentration in the urinary fluid. Your presence is abnormal. The urine forms in the kidneys, from the blood leak. ThisContinue Reading