Aqua Running: The Advantages Of Running In The Water

Aqua Running The Advantages Of Running In The Water

You may not know it, but Aqua Running is a sports discipline that is gaining followers at times. It is a matter of running in the water and its main objective is to employ race techniques without leaving the same position. Do you want to know a little more about what it’s about and what are the advantages of running in the water?

What Is The Aqua Running?

As we have already told you, it consists of practicing running in the water, which produces an incredible sense of freedom at the same time as strengthening our legs. This technique confers greater power on the trot, the intensity of the exercise being important, not speed.

It is possible to do different combinations of exercises, everything depends on the results you want to get. In addition, with Aquarunning we increase muscle strength and endurance at the same time.

Advantages of Aqua Running:

Specialists in the practice of this sport recommend it for the multiple advantages of running in the water. Not only do we strengthen legs but also help reduce the risks of injury, help lose weight, and other advantages:

1. Increases strength and muscle endurance. As we have already mentioned, the important thing about this practice is not the speed but the intensity of movement, hence strength and resistance.

2. Tone legs and other parts of the body. The resistance generated in the water leads to muscle activation of different areas of the body such as the abdominal area and arms.

3. Greater flexibility. The lower part of the body feels light in the water. This situation grants greater freedom of movement, and it is possible to develop more complicated exercises.

4. Improve cardiovascular health. It is not a high-impact sport, but it also helps to improve the cardiovascular condition. In addition, being underwater, the ravages of high temperatures are not suffered and blood pressure is not resented.

5. Increased lung capacity. As in the case of swimming, the breathing used in aqua running requires more oxygen. In this way, the airways are trained to gain greater strength.

How To Practice Aqua Running?

When it comes to moving properly it is preferable to be in the area of the pool with greater depth. To give greater mobility to the legs, they should be suspended, without their feet touching the bottom. In this way, it is possible to use different heating activities.

To make aquarunning you need to maintain a proper posture. It should not be forgotten that the subject must stay afloat all the time. In this way, both the head and neck, and shoulders must remain out of the water, as well as the right trunk.

Various options are used to maintain this position from the beginning to the end, whether an abdominal float, a life jacket, or a foam belt. However, it is also worth mentioning submersible treadmills, specially designed to confer reliability in the water and achieve an optimal training rhythm.

The idea is to lift your head and move your arms and legs the same way as when running. The training plan to follow will depend on the physical conditions of each person. Usually, they are made from 4 to 5 series, alternating low or high-intensity exercises or resting moments.

As in any sporting practice, aquarunning requires a previous and subsequent warming.
