5 Exercises to Improve Flexibility at Home

5 Exercises to Improve Flexibility at Home

Many people find it hard to do how hard to do what type of stretch before they go to sport because they don’t improve their flexibility. Based on patience, training, and effort we can get great flexibility in our body.

The best way to prepare for sport, avoid serious injuries, regain mobility after a resting period, or simply relax is by stretching. Following these five exercises we offer you, in a short time you will achieve much more flexibility in your body.

1- Calves and biceps: This is one of the most common exercises that allows us to stretch the main muscles of the legs after doing a physical exercise that involves their movement. To do the exercise, we must put the right leg in front of the body, leaning the weight of the body towards the left leg. The objective is to reach your foot and pull it towards you. You will notice how the calf and quadriceps are stretched well.

2- More flexible knees: This particular exercise also allows us to improve flexibility in the quadriceps and knees. We must lean on a chair to avoid losing balance and bend our left leg backward until we can grab the tip of our foot with our right hand. Then, we gently pull on the foot to stretch the quadriceps and heel.

3- Anti-contractual movement: this is an ideal exercise to stretch and relax the cervical area and shoulders. It consists of sitting with your legs crossed, turning your head, keeping your posture, and repeating the exercise to the other side, repeating it four times.

4- Lumbar Exercise  Throughout our daily life, it is common for us to accumulate tension in the lumbar region. To make this part of the body more flexible, we must sit sideways with the right leg stretched out and the left leg bent. From here, rest the left forearm on the floor pass the right arm over the head, and bring it to the left side, stretching the whole body.

5- Extend the trunk .: With this exercise, we will not only protect our lower back but will also allow us to stretch our entire body. Starting from the same posture as the previous exercise, we support the hand on the ground and stretch the arm as you lift the body. Once we do it, we will notice how the dorsal vertebrae and the lumbar separate, alleviating the entire column.
