3 Exercises for Back at Home

3 Exercises for Back at Home

Do you want to strengthen your back? This part of the body is often left in the background when we train and yet it is one of the main ones of our bone structure, as it supports the whole body and allows us to correctly distribute the pressure when it is upright. Working the muscles of the back is essential to enjoy better health and reduce pains or discomfort throughout the body.

In this article, we are going to show you a list of 3 back exercises at home that are easy to do and for which you will not need any more equipment than a mat or sports mat.

The importance of exercising for the back

Many people suffer from back pain. These discomforts usually come from poor body posture that does not properly distribute weight through the bones and joints. Counting the strongest muscles will allow you to improve your posture and reduce any discomfort in this area of the body. To strengthen them, nothing better than betting on the practice of localized exercises that will help you improve your state of health.

Here we will offer you a list of simpler and more effective home back exercises that you can easily do without the need for more material than a mat for the ground.

The Cat’s Posture

It is one of the best-known and perfect yoga poses to strengthen the muscles of the back. With this exercise, you can manage to relax your spine and stretch the muscles well to reduce the accumulated pressure and undo the possible knots.

To perform it correctly, you only have to follow the steps that we indicate here.

1. Put yourself in a quadrupedal position on your mattress

2. Keep your back straight for 3 seconds

3. Arch your spine by pushing your lower back towards the floor. At the same time, lift your head and look towards the ceiling so that your back stretches properly

4. Hold 5 seconds in this position and now make your body a ball, the opposite position, so that a maximum stretch

The Superman’s Exercise

Another of the best exercises for back at home is the one known as the “Superman” name. It is a perfect exercise to extend the area of the lumbar well and, at the same time, to work the abdominal area. To do this correctly, follow these steps:

1. Get back into a quadrupedal position on your mat

2. Now, tighten the abdominal area well so your body is stable

3. Now, lift the left arm at the same time and extend the right leg

4. Hold 3 or 5 seconds in this position and return to the starting position

5. Change legs and repeat the exercise

The Bridge

It’s another easier and quicker back workout to do. To do this, you will have to place yourself face up on the mat and put your body in a bridge position to stretch the area well behind your back. The steps to be taken are:

1. Lie down on the mat with your gaze fixed on the ceiling

2. Lift your hip and align your body by creating a kind of bridge

3. Hold 30 seconds in this position

4. Return to the starting position and repeat 3 times the same movement
