Looking For A Partner? First, Fall In Love With Yourself

If one of your goals in life is to attract and maintain a meaningful relationship, fall in love with yourself. In addition to working toward that relationship, you must work on loving yourself. 

Being and believing that you are a person who would be difficult not to be madly in love with is the best way to achieve a lasting, healthy, and exciting relationship.

Falling in love with yourself begins with knowing yourself, as well as with the enjoyment of daily life, of enjoying what you spend your time on.

On the other hand, falling in love with oneself implies being clear about one’s beliefs, feeling capable of living and enforcing one’s values, and being aware of the importance of defending one’s integrity.

Falling in love with yourself requires being proud of who you are, admitting and respecting your own flaws, and being authentic.

If you’re not attracted to yourself, why would your partner be attracted to you? With that out of the way, we’ll have to answer the question: how do I fall in love with myself?

Fall in love with yourself, but how?

Before we continue, let’s clarify: falling in love with yourself is a matter of self-esteem, and it has nothing to do with narcissism. Fall in love with yourself and show your best version to your partner, just follow these steps:

1. Look at yourself from the outside

Observe yourself. Look in the mirror. What you see is what others see. Do you like what you see? What could you do to improve your appearance? It’s not about being more handsome or having a better figure or better skin. It’s about the appearance you give off.

You have to make the most of yourself, dress in a way that makes you feel comfortable, comb your hair, add a touch of color, or shave properly. It’s about giving an image that matches your personality. A person who doesn’t take care of himself is not going to take care of others well, nor is he going to value the efforts that others make to take care of themselves (or at least that’s what it seems).

Offering a positive aspect, in your style, will help you maintain high self-esteem, be authentic, and increase the respect you feel for yourself. Respecting yourself is the first step to gaining respect from others and valuing the respect that others have for you.

2. Mind your manners

How you speak and how you behave with others says everything about you.  How you greet people, how you carry yourself when talking to them, how you address them when you have to say or ask something, how you react to different situations, even how you laugh, all of this is a letter of introduction.

Your manners also speak of your self-confidence, the respect you feel for yourself and others, how pleasant or unpleasant you are, and even how funny you are.

Don’t forget that the attractiveness and sensuality of many people is in their personality, much more than in their physical appearance. But not only in their personality in private, but in everyday life.

3. Go beyond appearances

The above has no chance of success if what you show is not a part of you. You must be authentic, overcome the game of appearances, and make your presence and your way of interacting a real part of you. What you are and what you show must be in tune.

If you want to find a partner in an environment that is not yours, you will have to first absorb what you want to become in order to truly connect with that person.

4. Don’t forget your friends

Your friends are part of your life and if you have to give them up for your romantic life, it means you don’t respect yourself enough. If you love yourself, you should know that life doesn’t begin and end with your partner.

In addition, your friendships will allow you to obtain other types of complementary experiences, which you can share with your partner. In addition, a person with friends is a trustworthy person.

5. Fall in love with yourself, develop your projects

A person who develops and fights for his projects is a very valuable person, who has ideas, and interests, who makes an effort, and who is committed. He is a person with whom you can make plans, with whom you can aspire to improve, to grow, and to be better, a person who adds value to life and his environment.

In addition, participating in group projects shows you as a social, collaborative person, with a zest for life and a desire to have fun.
