The 5 Best Abs Exercises For A Perfect Six-Pack

The 5 Best Abs Exercises For A Perfect Six-Pack

Having marked and toned abs is the dream of every athlete. However, in addition to training, genetics and the type of diet and lifestyle that one leads also have an influence.

Beyond aesthetic motivation, there is a functional reason to decide definitively to have strong abs: the abs perform a double function in the body. They are protectors and backers of the spine. The more exercise, the harder it will be to incur injuries. Here we leave you the 5 best abdominal exercises for a perfect six-pack so you can include those you like best in your abs routine.


It starts from a position lying face up, with knees flexed and feet well leaning on the ground. With your hands on your chest, contract your abdomen to lift your torso until at least half your back has risen. It goes back to the starting position and completes 20 repetitions or the maximum you can do in 30 seconds.

In this type of abdominal exercise to have a perfect six-pack you have to take care of the posture of your hands. If we carry our hands behind the neck and pull the head with them, which is the most common at first, we run a high risk of cervical injury.

Leg lift

Leg elevations help not only shape the abdominal girdle but also help protect the area during the practice of high-intensity sports such as tennis, football, and even golf. For proper execution, it starts from a lying position, with the straight back and arms stretched on the sides of the body. Initially, only the heel of the feet is supported and from there, without separating the knees, the elevation is done as much as possible.

If you notice that you tend to open your knees, a cushion can be used to squeeze, in addition to the abdomen, the area of the knees. Variations such as laterals may be included or horizontal or vertical scissor movements may be made.

Planks, the best abs exercise

Even the most experienced and muscle-forced athletes recognize that plates or planks, whatever type of plank you run, a very intense and demanding abdominal exercise. In addition to directly involving the abdominal girdle muscles that make up the six-pack, a good workout of the dorsal muscles, biceps, and triceps is done.

The force lies with the forearms and the tips of the feet. In this position, the abdomen must be contracted in such a way that the body forms a straight line as parallel to the body as possible. The goal is to keep the posture without the hip falling.

There are a variety of plates that you can add to your training routine to escape the boredom of always doing the same exercises.

Climsors or Mountain Climbers

During this exercise, the body is as if it were to make a bending, and takes the leg from one side forward, as if it were running. The intensity is marked by each person. It can be performed by bringing the leg forward or by slightly twisting the lumbar and abdominal muscles and crossing them.


They are one of the most feared and loved cardio exercises at the same time, since, although it is very demanding and intense, they achieve great results at both muscle level and in coordination and flexibility. From an upright position it goes down until the hands touch the ground and push their legs – both at a time – back, it returns to the starting position before jumping.
