7 Keys to Faster Running

7 Keys to Faster Running

Any runner desires to get to run faster over time. The idea is to get the most effective without having to subject the body to an over-enhancing effort. However, it is not an easy task to improve the pace of the race, and on many occasions, it is not possible to get out of a specific brand.

These fastest-running keys are very useful if you want to increase race speed. They are recommended in the cases of medium- and long-distance runners, either half marathon or marathon.

1. Train Fewer Days At A Gentle Pace

Running further distance at a gentle pace is perfect for improving the level of endurance. Races at a comfortable pace enhance our aerobic strength and help the body to get the oxygen supplement to the muscles effectively. This will make any runner improve his career, regardless of distance.

In addition, when it comes to improving quickly, recovery must be part of the training. Submitting the body to continuous stress is not beneficial. All we get is to generate overload and, under those conditions, the body will perform less.

2. Strength Work

Running faster doesn’t mean doing more miles. To improve speed you need to do muscle work. Doing weights or any other similar exercise allows you to take better advantage of workouts, get better muscle recovery, and reduce the risk of injury. Muscle weakness is one of the main causes why a runner gets stuck.

3. Increase the level of hydration

Some runners hydrate little, which can lead to long-term injuries, such as feared contractures. The most recommended is to drink 2 to 3 liters of water during the day and that some of the ingested liquid be used to recover strength.

4. Doing Interval Training

When it comes to improving our brands, it is very important to change the circuit and rhythm. The body should not get used to always training on the same track or the same asphalt. For that reason, it is best to choose different routes, either in the countryside or on trails.

The series also serves to change the pace of intensity and increase aerobic power. In this way, it is possible to dedicate one day a week to make short series (with a minute of recovery between them) and another day for long sessions of more than 800 meters.

5. Running On A Slope

This is a magnificent alternative to strengthening legs. Mainly, during the first few weeks of training, a session of specific slopes should be set to enhance muscle work. To do so it is advisable to interspers smooth slopes with more accentuated ones, and even perform several sprints on the same slopes after heating.

6. Practice More Sports

Running ends up hooking up, but it’s also worth combining with other sports. Cycling or swimming in the pool will compensate for muscle groups that are not normally worked with running. In this way, the risk of injury is avoided and represents a beneficial change at the psychological level.

7. Eating Healthy and Varied

Feeding and hydrating correctly are two fundamental pillars for any athlete. Runners who prepare to do marathons or half marathons should have a healthy and varied diet so that the body gets all the nutrients it needs. It is even possible to take supplements with amino acids and iron to avoid anemia.
